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"You knew."

"I do."


"Because I promised her Severus."


The young Potion Master clenched his bloodied fist, he took a step before his legs lost their strength and slid down the wall by the destroyed window. The Headmaster vanished the window shards before it could hurt the young Professor; well, more than it already had. His face grim and paint with regret while studying the younger man's frame. He looks broken. More broken than when he found him on the night after the death of his best friend. Now the Headmaster feels suffocated between the two promises that he had to keep between the two Princes. The promises that he has to hold between the two siblings.

Oh dear, please don't let this be another one of his mistakes...


"What.Did.You.Do?!" Seraphine snarled. Her headache is now on full force and she keeps seeing black spots. Her chosen first rank knights are all trying to cower behind each other, refusing to be in the first line of her anger. All except for one.


Her 'left hand' whose temper and bloodlust could rival hers but didn't put any effort in reining them in. AT. ALL. She wanted to weep. She was like that when she was still an apprentice; letting all her bloodlust and anger towards those she thought deserved. Yes, she was a hellion. Hello pot, kettle finally here now. How Lady Aneese ever had the patience to deal with her; she never knew.

"Don't make me ask for the second time Leynar. It might involve your blood being spilled." Her magic begins to weave around the room expressing her anger.

"Tch. The bastard deserved it. And you know that." Leynar pout. He sounded petulant even when his comrades began to sweat in fear far away from him; the source of Lady Princes' ire. Mehh.. He's used to it.

"You better hope he does or I'll make sure that you are on the training AND babysitting duty for a whole month."

"Ahh.. Princess, we can assure you that the bastard REALLY deserved it." Julian tried to assure from afar. The other nods vigorously supporting his statement.

"But you can still saddle him with the training and babysitting. It would be good for his soul.... If he even has any.." The last part was muttered under her breath yet it still can be heard by the rooms' residence.

"That's not helping anything at all, Selwyn." Harlan's calm baritone voice laced with amusement watching his partner trying to strangle the young woman.

Then suddenly all the occupants in the room became as still as statues when they saw Seraphines' eyes glaring dagger into Leynars'. All held their breath praying for a peaceful end. Dear merlin, please let it be no bloodbath. May we all see the sunshine again tomorrow. Working with these two really did make them all more religious. After what they feel a long moment, a final decision finally has been made when they hear the words she mutters.

"Shafiq, I want you to take over the case. Don't let Aesalon OR Egerton near the case. I want it clean and reported directly to me. Guide Branstone, he's still green in these; don't let him loose, we don't need another hellion." Her eye twitch seeing the smug look passing between the two devil. Ignoring the cheerful 'yeses', she continued;

"I will take a week off. Starting the day after tomorrow. And YOU; Aesalon, will take over ALL the paperwork. ALONE. And when I said 'paperwork'; I meant 'PAPERWORK ONLY'. My command will be relayed through Fawley and Longbottom." Shoulders sags in relief. Well, except for one who was spluttering with his punishment.

"You can't do that!"

"And... Why is that?"

"Well... You've never took days off. Even tomorrow's day off was push onto you by Andrinde, and a week?! Did someone imperius you? Did Dumbles did it? Did he finally revealed his cra-"

"That's enough."

"Thank you, Eve. And Aesalon, you'll be happy to know that tomorrow's day off; it doesn't count as my 'week off. Thus, congratulations on the paperworks." ignoring all the giggling and sputtering, Seraphine shut her eyes and pressing the back of her head to her seat hoping that would lessen her headache.

"You okay, love?"

"Mnn.." Groaning softly, she kept her eyes closed.

There's murmuring before she hears her knights being busy. Letting them be, she threw all her focus on her throbbing head. Something is wrong. Something is trying to breach her occlumency barrier. Oh no, not now. Taking a deep breath and relaxing her high strung body; she meditates, clear her mind and strengthen her occlumency barrier. Looking for the intruder now would be like an invitation as she couldn't focus torturing the 'entity' with those 'overprotective' bastards around. I'll deal with you later. A thunk of something being put down on her table and a waft of her favourite vanilla tea became her point of resolution. Opening her eyes, Seraphine's eyes roams lazily around the room, accessing her knights. Grabbing the mug and taking a deep breath ,she relaxed more into her chair looking like a giant lazy cat.

"Soooo... What did Dumbledore want that makes your head want to kill you?" Egerton asked while lounging lazily on the arm of the chair leaning heavily on his twin devil.

"I'll tell you guys after I got everything I need." Closing her eyes, she took a long sip of her tea.

"Do you need us to do anything?"

"Cover for me."

"That goes without saying, My Lady."

Closing her eyes, she relaxed into her chair. Enjoying the time she have before the nights fall. Before she have to deal with her head. Just for a moment.


Good news,

I'm still alive..

Bad news,

I'm still alive...



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