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The morning of Seraph arrival;

After grabbing a few hours of rough sleep, all four adults decide to have a quick breakfast at Poppys' office. They decided to keep a close eye on Harry, afraid that he'd have another episode like before. A chime startled them from their cup of tea; or, in Severus' case, coffee.

"That would be Mr.Potter." Poppy stood up, intending to check on her patient. Her eyes stray to the clock; 7.45, perfect time for his morning potions and breakfast. And a talk, definitely a talk. Poor boy doesn't even know that magic even exists.

Following her example, Albus pushed his chair to stand intending to do the same. "Then maybe I should accompany..." Then he stood still. His eyes train warily on the wand pointed at his chest by his Deputy. She didn't even stop sipping her tea!

"You will stay seated and finish up your breakfast." Albus sits down slowly and picks up his cutlery back. He couldn't help but eyed her wearily even though her wand already sheaths back to her sleeve.

"And Harry will eat his breakfast peacefully while Poppy answer his questions." She finally puts her teacup down and aims a fearsome glare towards the meddlesome Headmaster; "YE WILL SIT HERE AND FINISH YER BREAKFAST! AM I UNDERSTOOD?!"


NO, he did NOT squeak.


Harry feel groggy. His body feels aching and sore all over, luckily his previous monstrous headache have gone. His magic feels depleted and his eyes are too heavy to open; late night bedtime stories filled with excitement truly do wonder to a healing man... or in his case; a healing boy. His body aching for a long uninterrupted sleep... and aching too.. He heard the tell tail of steps before his bed curtains were pulled over. He couldn't help but scrunch up when he's attacked by the silver morning ray of sunshine.

"Good morning Mr. Potter. How are you feeling?" Madam Pomfrey asked tenderly. She wouldn't want to spook the boy more than he had based on yesterday's scene.

"I've felt worse." He couldn't see the Mediwitch pursed her lips as he's busy blinking rapidly from the sunny assault. "My glasses?" He managed to croak.

"Here you go dearie." Handing the boy his glasses, she proceeds to wave her wand for a diagnostic spell. She clicked her tongue at the scroll that popped up and hover in front of her. She flick her wand making several copies for Severus and the Headmaster.

Harry widened his eyes. He mentally groaned as having to act again.

"How... How did you do that Ma'am? Who.. Who are you?" He stammered. Dang! He needs to show Mione his acting skills. They could enjoy it in pensieve with popcorn.

"I'll answer all your questions while you eat your breakfast. I assumed that you are quite famished?"

"I... erm.. I am hungry... but I don't think I could eat." He looks green at the mention of food. He noticed Madam Pomfrey scrutiny gaze and couldn't help squirm under her soft eyes.

"How about some toast and eggs? You don't have to finish it all. Just eat as much as you can. I'll give you something for your stomach. Now, juice or milk?"

"Milk please."

"And how would you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled please."

"Mimsy." A female house elf popped up by her side. "Please get Mr.Potter here some toast, scrambled eggs and a tall glass of milk please. Keep it going. Ask Severus for all of Mr. Potter morning doses of potions and a stomach soother please."

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