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The tension in the room are thick enough to freeze the people in it. Minerva and Poppy look gob smacked while Severus... The Potion Master silhouette are as stiff as the gargoyle statute, even his face look paler than usual that Albus afraid that he might faint on the spot. His lips are thinner and seems like he is biting it from inside... and his eyes... his eyes look haunted and conflicted; the most emotions he had ever seen displayed on the Potion Masters' eyes.

"Eileen Prince; as in Eileen Snape?" Poppy asked. Her voice are so low as if she afraid that speaking loudly would spooked a dragon in the room, in this case; Severus.

Seraph seems too focus on opening the brown paper bag before blink on Pomfreys' question; startled. She thought a bit before answering.

"I think so... Yes, I remembered Grandfather told me that my father was a muggle name Snape... I don't remember his first name though. Once he get my custody, he change my last name and name me the Princes' Heiress." She spoke while looking at her sandwich; that she took out from the paper brown bag, thoughtfully.

"Would you mind? I haven't had my lunch yet." Gesturing to her sandwich.

Dumbledore mouth twitched before he frown. "My dear, it's already four in the evening and you haven't had a lunch yet? At least tell me that you took some snacks or a hearty breakfast"

"Didn't have a chance to eat at all since this morning. Got an emergency meeting till an hour ago and had to settle my paperwork since then." She intoned before taking a bite of her sandwich. Albus shake his head and asked; "Would you like a drink to go with your lunch dear?" She chew and swallow before answer politely; "Coffee please, if you have it; with 2 sugar. If you don't, then I'll take what I can have. Thank you." And proceed to eat her sandwich, ignoring the people who look at her like she's a new species of magical creature that they just encounter; except for Dumbledore who are talking to the Hogwarts house elves that he just summoned.

"If you have something in mind; speak." Making the three other occupants flinch while Dumbledore frown in concern.

"You... You're..." Poppy stammered. She kept glancing at the ashen face of the Potion Master as if thinking either she should ask the question or not as Severus seems on the brink of breaking.

"Yes?" Seraph asked patiently with her eyebrow raised that made her look eerily alike to the Potion Master so much for their discomfort.

"What is your relations with Professor Snape?" McGonagall cut off with a whisper. Afraid in saying it aloud for Severus sake's. Not that it have any differences though; mind you. Because Severus flinch as if he was slapped by the horntail.

"Professor Snape? Yeah... I mean he was.. Is...? My brother..." Seraph look confused for a second before continue eating her sandwiches. She look at the man who was spoken about and couldn't help with feeling impressed when she saw him locked up his emotions and look straight at her eyes as if looking for something. She blink and suddenly their connection are lost with the Potion Master staring hard at the Headmaster. Albus calmly met his eyes. She tilt her head and just shrug it off.

Minerva and Poppy left agape from the bystander and look back and forth between the two males in the room as if expecting one of them (Severus) to combust and cursed the other one (Albus). Abruptly, both ofthem stare incredulously at the calm woman and staring hard as if that would unravel everything.

"May... May I know how old are you?" Minerva couldn't help with her curiosity. Really... what's with cats and curiosity anyway? Seraph look at the Deputy Headmistress before answer crisply.


"Oh..." The occupants in the rooms sans the siblings began to sweat uncomfortably due to the awkwardness in the air.

"I thought you have something important for me?" Seraph look pointedly towards the Headmaster. She's getting tired with all the interrogation and would rather proceed to the point. Her mind couldn't help but wandered back to the paperwork and two missions that she left to her left hand before she left and shuddered. Hopefully no blood will be shed. Well, more than normal anyway; she amended.

"Err. Yes, about that. It is regarding of one of our student." The Headmaster took out a handkerchief out of nowhere and wipe his forehead before banish it. Minerva found the Headmaster sweating profusely under the young woman scrutiny funny enough that she would snort if it is not because her worried of Severus who was sitting rigidly.


"Harry Potter."


sorry for the lateness.

Depression sucks..

it sucks harder when combined with covid-19...

stay safe everyone



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