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Shrugging off her robes, leaving her with only a short and an oversized shirt. She threw her robes on her bedpost by the foot of her bed before flopping down face first to her pillow. Letting out a groan she turned over. She stares at her bed canopy for a long time. Sighing, she sat up and leaned to her bedpost.


"Mistress called for Berry?". A house elf popped by her bedside, bowing a little. He wears a dark uniform with a silver Prince emblem on the right shoulder.

He doesn't bow too lowly as they were banned from bowing nor punishing themselves by their Mistress. Unlike the previous Lord Prince who demanded a complete submission from all the house-elves. Mistress Seraphine understands their need to show their respect to their owner, thus she relent and let them bow; but never lower than their own waist.

"I'm planning to wake up a little bit late tomorrow, but I have a plan at 9. Wake me up at 8 if I haven't by then, will you?" She rubs her temple, pending off her headache.

"Will do, Mistress. Berry thought that tomorrow will be Mistress off day? Is Berry mistaken?" He sounds confused.

His Mistress has never taken a day off; she either went to the bakery or the Guardians Manor on Sunday to help voluntarily. Thus, the manors' house-elves were quite excited when she told them before that she was planning on spending her time relaxing in her library on her day off. They couldn't wait to pamper her!

"NaAh.. Tomorrow IS my day off. But Headmaster Dumbledore needs my assistance on something."

"Will Mistress be needing breakfast tomorrow?" He tried not to let his disappointment bleed out.

"A heavy breakfast please. Been a long time since I pampered myself. And Berry... I did take an extra week off starting with the day after tomorrow, so don't worry.. I'll make sure to be as lazy as I can." She smiled knowingly at him.

"Berry is so happy for the Mistress! Berry couldn't wait to tell the others!" He couldn't help but jump out of joy. He's quite disappointed that his Mistress still will be working on her supposedly day off but he couldn't help but feel happy seeing his Mistress smile at him. Plus, a week to pamper their Mistress!

"Does Mistress need a potion for her headache before she goes to sleep?"

"No, no.. I'll handle it. That's all Berry, goodnight."

"Have a good rest Mistress Seraphine." He clicked his finger diminishing the light and drew the window curtains before popping out of existence.

She sighs before making herself comfortable. Closing her eyes; she emptied her mind and meditated, stabilizing her heartbeat. Scanning her surroundings and wards and deem them to be safe; she lets lose her magic.

Now, let's deal with you.


"I didn't find Minervas' question... funny, Headmaster." Severus said sardonically.

"My apologies," He chuckles, wiping away his amused tears; "I pity those who ever tried to... spread their wings towards the Guardians. I truly do." He giggles.

He giggles.

The three on the sofa look at their Headmaster in concern. Even the slumbering boy begins to feel concern for the old man. All thinking the same thing; did he finally lose it?

"Albus!" Snape snapped at him.

"Ah, yes." Still chuckling; "Pardon me." He smiles as he remembers something beatific.

'Are you going to tell us or not?!' The slumbering boy screamed internally.

"Sooo? What is it? Are you even going to tell us what you found amusing?" Professor McGonagall asks impatiently.

'Yes, thank you! Finally!'

They rolled their eyes when the headmaster kept chuckling. He finally stopped and broke into a cold sweat when he saw three glares trying to kill him silently. He cleared his throat.

"Right. So, as I told you, she was officially marked as a Protector when she reached 15 years old to begin her knight-hood training, and barely a year later, she took her place on an apprenticeship for Lady Aneese. What I'd love to tell you is that; unofficially, she's been an unofficial apprentice for Lady Aneese barely after a couple of months they saved her. And she just needed a couple of months of knight-hood training even. She opened up her ideas and readily poured her services even though she herself was still just a child. And Lady Aneese even gave her a lovely nickname..." He couldn't contain his giggles.

"Seraphine is the Guardian's precious Little Hellion." He chuckles.

All four listeners sweat dropped. I mean... all three listeners and a slumbe-.. Oh, who am I kidding. All four of the listeners sweat dropped at the nickname.

"The Guardians have been established since even before Hogwarts was founded but the Department of Children and Social Welfare are still a baby. It was established in 1981; four month after the demise of the Dark Lord. Now, the thing is, this department; unlike other departments within the Ministry, is a non-government organization, meaning; they are not the Ministry. In fact, they are 'immune' to the government's influences and have their own law structure as they implement the law that was written by Merlin, Morgana and King Arthur himself; exactly as how the Guardians originally operate." He keeps giggling.

"You see, the establishment and the idea of adopting their law from the original Guardians structure as their bones have proven to be their strongest shield against the pureblood supremacist. Thus, could prevent incidents such that had happened form the war previously that had prevented them doing their duty from being repeated again. This idea comes completely from a twelve years old. Can you guess who?" He beamed excitedly.

"Dear Merlin; she's a genius!" Professor McGonagall whispered in awe.

'I regret that I've never got a chance to know her before. It's a shame that the guardians have been hunted... It's a shame that they sacrificed themselves early in the war... This time I'll make sure we fight side by side. I'll make sure that we have each others' back. I promised.' He closed his eyes and succumbed back to slumbering, ignoring the adults who continued their bedtime stories.


"Now... You'll tell me who you are and what you want. Or I'll make sure I'm the last person you'll ever see.."

Her smile is something that surely will haunt him in his sleep.

He's very sure of it.


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