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"Your mind is very... organized..."

A brunette man with ruffled hair sitting on a very comfortable chair. In front of him sat a coffee table and another chair; left for her, undoubtedly. He made a point to look around. She couldn't resist making a face because that man managed to breach all her occlumency layer and manage to disable her failsafe. And now making himself comfortable in her mind palace. A powerful Legillimence; no doubt. An annoying one at that.

Just her luck then.

"Getting comfortable aren't you?"

"You could too." Tilting his head towards the empty chair.

This man really did manage to ruffle her feather. He has been in her head since after the meeting with the Headmaster. She hasn't felt any animosity from him nor has he tried anything to read her mind. The weirdest would be resisting the urge to kneel and pledge her Guardians oath to him... just... why?? Plus, her magic sang for his'.

Her magic sang.

What the actual fudge?!

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you right here; right now?"

"Ummm... I bore no ill intention...?"

"Are you claiming that after you purposely let me catch you breaching my mind?"

"As you said... 'Purposely'... No ill intention person would purposely letting you caught them breeching your mind."

"... Or you just plain stupid."

"Ouch... You never pull your punches, do you?"

"Humm... Seems like I'm feeling generous enough today. You have 1 minutes to convince me." Plopping down on the available seat, she resists the urge to rub her forehead. She could feel this would be a cluster fuck in progress. ugh...

"Well... you see.. My name is Merlin..."

She fucking knew it!

She'll find a way to blame Leynar for this shit. 

The bastard deserves it for being a pain in her ass.

............ LINE............... LINE.................

"Mistress. Mistress needs to wake up! Mistress told Berry to wake her up at 8 and now Berry is doing what he is being told!"

The elves ears flopping furiously along with his head as he jiggling uneasily. His Mistress is usually up and ready even when she asks him to wake up; she never needs one, ever! And she seems to be in distress even in her sleep. This won't do! This shouldn't happen! Wringing his ears in worry, he thought about alerting her knights before suddenly his Mistress eyes snapped open.

"I'll fucking kill you Leynar! This is all your fucking fault!" She snarled viciously. Her eyes blazing in fury and her magic blasting from her full with killing intent.

Berry squeaked, eyes widened fearfully in the face of her wrath before popping away. Leaving his Misstress fuming viciously on her bed.

Mistress is going to need a big breakfast if she's going to kill Master Knight Leynar Sir and Berry is determined to prepare a hefty breakfast for his Mistress!


"Ahchooo!!" Leynar let out a full body shiver unconsciously. Dread begin to fill his stomach.

"I think I might caught something." He whimpered pathetically slumping over the mountain of paperwork in front of him.

"That's not a reason to ditch the paperwork." Harlan voice void of emotions reminding him of his never ending torture.

Leynar shuddered and fought his instinct, kicking him to run, run as far as he could and fake his death and to live as a hermit in a cave to avoid any humans. "No, I'm serious! I think I might be sick! Oh Merlin, I'm going to die!!" He wailed dramatically.

"Okay, but make sure you finish your paperwork before you die." Leynar couldn't help another shiver and dread at the word die. Beads of sweat poured from his pore.

The hell?!


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