Ch:1 Pt:1 The Fall

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~~~~~Time Skip 9 years~~~~~

It's been 9 years since the first time Izuku was bullied. It got worse over the years, but Shosuke would still try and keep him safe, and when Midoriya wasn't at home he would always be 100% successful.

"I'll just get my lunch and I'll be over in a minute." Said Shosuke.

"Alright. I'll be waiting for you man." Said Izuku with a smile on his face.

Midoriya went to sit down at the table to eat his food, and is suddenly pushed out of his chair by a couple of students.

"Hey useless Deku!" Said one of the students.

"W-what do you want?" Asked Midoriya.

"Well, were just preparing you for what you're sister and those two sets of twins are gonna do to ya when they get in here." Said another student.

"Exactly." Said a voice coming from the hallway.

The person who said that was none other than Izumi, his sister. Following her were the Todoroki twins and the Bakugo twins. When they walked in, they caught everyone's attention, and not even the teachers would try and stop them.

"H-hey guys." Said a frightened Izuku.

"Deku! You're in for a beating!" Shouted Katsuki.

When he said that, everyone started to watch keenly and were excited for what was going to happen. This also caught the attention of Shosuke.

"So. What's going on here?" Shosuke said with his usual smile.

"What's it to you? This is family business!" Shouted Izumi.

As she turned around to continue her bullying, Shosuke went into total guardian mode.

"Very well." Said Shosuke.

Shosuke hit Izumi in the head with the tray that his food was on, and continued by hitting her legs which knocked her to the ground. Katsuki and Shoto went in to attack but he swiftly dodged both of their attacks and punched both of them in the gut. Katsumi uses her combustion and throw's a concentrated explosion at him. He turns the ice that Shoto made into water and uses that to suppress the majority of the attack, but he was still dazed by it. At that moment, Katsuki shoots him in the chest and blows him back to a table. He quickly recovers and just as Shotara shot her flames at him, he used his wings to block the attack. (His wings can with stand freezing cold and burning fires.) He takes that time to drown her fires and just as he was about to retaliate, the principle came in and got them all to stop. After some explaining, the ones who started the fight were given detention, and all Shosuke had to do was clean up the mess they made.

"He took them all on at once?" Said one of the students in a surprised tone.

"How did he get so strong?" Another student asked.

~~~~~Time skip to the end of the school day~~~~~

"Thanks for helping me out again man." Midoriya said with a sound of gratitude in his voice.

"It's no problem at all. Were best friends, we look out for each other." Shosuke replied with one of his signature smiles.

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