Ch: 2 Pt: 7 Echo and Zane

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And so, that night, me, Shosuke and Genos were off to raid this base and get to the bottom of whoever was fighting these heroes and attempting to steal the artifacts.  Once we had gotten to the building, it looked to be very tall with multiple levels, going up and down.  Genos had destroyed the top part of the building, leaving only a trap door that leads underground.  Once we had gotten down there, we saw that there was three hallways to go down.

"Alright, how will we go about this master?"  Genos asked.

"I'll tell you what we do.  Genos, you go left, Shosuke, you go right, I'll go straight forwards."  Izuku said.

"Shouldn't we call in back-up?"  Shosuke asked.

"Don't worry Shosuke, you'll be fine.  If something happens, or if you find anything, make sure to call me."  Izuku said to the two.

"Yes master."  Genos said, taking the left.

"You got it."  Shosuke said, taking the right.

"Alright then, time to find this mystery person."  Izuku said, walking down the main hallway.

As Izuku walked down the hallway, he could hear someone shouting from another room.  The voice seemed to be slightly high pitched, and sounded husky.  This person sounded like a girl who had a chesty cough for years, and never had it checked out.  He slowly walked towards the room, and quietly opened the door, to see a girl who was about 5 foot, had Ash Blonde hair tied in a short ponytail, had sharp teeth, and was very, very angry.  She wore a black and yellow lab coat, and had four, mechanical tentacles coming from her back.

  She wore a black and yellow lab coat, and had four, mechanical tentacles coming from her back

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'Reminds me of Kacchan.'  Izuku thought as he opened the door.

"Once we get this machine ready, it'll be time to fuse the Artifact's of Power to dad, and then he'll be ready for the next phase."  She said.

"You know, you don't have to state the obvious all the time.  Your gonna cause some freaky, regrettable, main character listening in our conversation stuff."  A taller man said, coming from the next room.

This man had dark grey skin, and glowing white lines where his veins would be.  He also had sharp teeth, but his voice was smoother, deeper and more calm.  He was about 6 foot, had two robot arms, and had what looked to be an exoskeleton support.

  He was about 6 foot, had two robot arms, and had what looked to be an exoskeleton support

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