Ch: 2 Pt: 4 Boom! Big Reveal!

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If your smart enough to find it, there are slight spoilers in this chapter for the latest manga chapter!  Read at your own risk!

After Re-Destro came to the realization of Izumi's awakening, she dashed towards him with great speeds in an instant.

'She's faster!'  Re-Destro thought as he dodged Izumi's attack.

'She's kept her preparatory movements to a minimum as well.  She's as graceful as a cat.  If her movements were as quick and discreet during her time at U.A, she would've made it to the top in no time.  And with this reformed power . . . Has she been training?'  He asked himself as Izumi began to run around him.

'And these quick movements . . . She couldn't have mastered them without surviving harsh conditions, or without fearing something would happen in an instant to her, as if her whole life was on the line on the daily.'  He said as Izumi stopped running, and ran in the opposite direction.

"I have been training my stress, too, so I know."  Re-Destro said as he prepared to fight back.

'It was childish of me to judge that she wasn't capable, giving her past.'

"Seeing as you havn't disappeared, even after sustaining all that damage, you must be the real Midoriya."  Re-Destro said as he powered up again.

"80% Liberation!"

'Playtime is over.'  Re-Destro said to himself as he charged up a new attack.

"Stress Output . . ."  Re-Destro said as an orb began to form in his hands, dragging pieces of the building to his hand.

'I'll put an end to this party.'  He said as he prepared to throw the attack.

". . . Burden!"  He shouted as he threw the attack at Izumi, hitting her entire body with it, blasting her through multiple buildings, starting up another forgotten flashback.

"Hey Izumi, you like Katsudon, don't you?"  An older man said, her grandfather.

"Don't cry now.  You'll make me sad as well."  An older woman said, her grandmother.

'My granddad and grandma were kind to me and Izuku . . . but . . . no, that isn't it.  I remember it all now.'  Izumi thought as she lay on the ground.

'What I wanted them to say was . . .'  She continued thinking to herself.

As she gathered her thoughts, Re-Destro was being called.  So he pulled out the small phone, and answered.

"What's the matter Skeptic?"  He asked.

"Re-Destro!  Be careful!  It's heading your way!  They had something crazy waiting!  Re-Destro, they . . . Were hiding this!"  Skeptic yelled as Gigantomachia was tearing through the Liberators like they were nothing, which compared to him, they were.

"Re-Destro!  Re-Destro!  Can you hear me!?"  Skeptic shouted as Re-Destro dropped the phone in disbelief.

'I can't believe it.'  He thought to himself, as Izumi walked up to him.

'Burden, it extracts and materializes stress, and releases it over a wide range.  The peak of my Meta Ability that I've been refining since I was a child . . .'  He continued as Izumi stopped walking and stared at him.

'It is not something you can just dodge because you want to.'  He said to himself as he looked at his finger, and saw some cracks on it.

'She touched my finger in that instant!  She threw her protective instincts to the side just for the sake of destroying!'  He realized as he looked at Izumi in shock, who stood in front of him, thinking.

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