Chapter 6

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  (Brookes POV)

    I don't know how many days it's been. I don't know how long it's been. The cold air hits my skin as I lay there watching my clothes finishing drying under the weak sun. I haven't found my way out of this forest yet I've been surviving off of the river water and a couple of berries I found a couple of miles over. After I felt to see if my clothes were completely dry I got dressed. Walking I felt weak. Only thing keeping me going is being able to see my daughter and Jake again as well as my family.    Brooke you have to focus. Inhaling and exhaling I got my vision focused and my thoughts right. I continued my journey walking through the woods. I stopped in my tracks. In front of me stood a small cottage.      

  *pinch* "Oww I'm not dreaming." I whispered to myself. Taking careful steps towards the cottage I peeked in the window afraid it was one of Mike's plans to get me back. Empty I see furniture but no people. Something caught my eye. Red is that oh god. Blood it was blood seeping into a white carpet. Walking into the back door I searched for a phone no such luck I decided to grab some of their food before leaving I didn't need police think I did this to them, then again the way I probably look they would think I'm a survivor. Survivor wow is that what I am? A survivor of kidnapping. I mentally laughed at the thought while continuing my never ending journey. I wish I was able to use a phone. A family a while family. I hope this wasn't Mikes doing, maybe he is sicker then we know. Walking back out the door I stopped when I seen a picture. It can't be. In the photo is a man, a women ,a little girl and a teenager . The teenager is who caught my attention. It was the same girl that Mike left me for. Oh god tears filled my eyes and I ran out the door catching my breath I stopped to breath, but started panicking when I heard twigs snapping. Looking around I decided to duck and hide under the car.  As soon as the feet got into view I held my breath.

  "Who lives here?" A deep voice said. The voice sounded familiar I can't seem to put my finger on from where my mind is a blur right now.

  "Some girl and her family were staying here." My blood ran cold as I heard Mikes sickening voice. They decided to go in as they retreated into the house I took that chance to run.

  "STOP!!" Someone yelled out at me. I didn't listen I couldn't. I heard a shot go off, still not stopping for nothing. They where not getting me. I didn't stop until I knew I was far enough not to be seen or heard. I started feeling myself slow down. A burning sensation on my abdomen caught my attention. Looking down I noticed I was bleeding on both my stomach and thigh. Pulling my shirt up I seen the bullet hole I felt the back area and noticed that the bullet was  still inside. Examining my thigh I noticed the bullet was still stuck as well. Ripping off the sleeve of my shirt I wrapped it as tight as I could around my leg trying to stop the blood from pouring out. I stood up determined not to give up. I rather try before dying out here. The pressure I put on my leg throbbed. I wobbled for a few seconds before finally being able to put pressure on my leg. Taking a step my leg wobbled again but I got control of it. The pain was killing me, everything was hurting. I probably have some kind of infection from lack of care. My ribs are still hurting. At this moment everything still hurts. I will be fine, I will find my way home to my family and friends. I don't know how much longer I was walking but soon enough I was able to hear cars. Hope finally flowed through me faster then a alcoholic chasing the liquor store. With all the energy I had left I finally made it seeing a high way. I jumped out to the road sticking my hands out. A blue car stopped before me, an elderly couple came out of the car worry on their face.

  "Oh god honey come on dear. Can you hear us. We have you. Your going to be safe now." Was all I heard the little ole lady say before I collapsed and darkness took over.


*hooray she's saved or is sheeee 🙃🙃🙃 what did you think 💭 comment ideas 💡 it's always good to hear what my amazing readers think. Until next time later lovely love bugs...

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