Chapter 7

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(Jakes POV)

After driving a hour and a half we finally made a stop in-front of this two story cabin. It was oak wood built big glass windows. I didn't waste any time I opened the trunk and took out my shot gun and bullet proof vest. I know what you thinking but my bad side has been put to sleep since being with Brooke. She changed my life around for the better. Blessing me with a beautiful daughter, making me more happy about life. Not wasting any more time I walked up to the front of the cabin, busting the door open I started searching the bottom level. I heard Jason, Mason and beast follow behind. All of us as quiet as we can be. That was until we heard loud foot steps going upstairs. Running behind the foot steps I went upstairs. My blood boiled at the sight of that pig, how can he think he was getting away alive after kidnapping my baby girl. I didn't think just started shooting until someone tackled me down. Looking up I seen Mason.

  "Dude we need him to find Brooke, stop shooting." He said calmly. It made sense cause if I did kill him how would I know where he was keeping her. Getting up I looked down the hall. Mike was gone but the blood drops were not. Following them while keeping my guard up I turned a corner to see Mike creeping into a room. As soon as he was about to close the door I barged the door open. Lunging to him I didn't stop, I don't know how long we were fighting but eventually someone pulled me off.

  "Where is she you fucking prick!" I seethed. He just chuckled. Did he really have the
audacity  to laugh in my face. He looked around the room then smirked up at me.

  "Does it look like she's here?" He asked sarcastically. I looked around the messy room. The bed was a mess there was blood on the sheets and wall, on the floor next to the bed was a bikini, the bikini I last seen Brooke in. I noticed Mike running for the door, but Beast was quicker then me. As soon as his gun hit the back of Mikes head,Mike was unconscious.

   "So what we doing to the prick? And can we stop at McDonald's I can use a Big Mac meal?" Mason said interrupting the silence. I rolled my eyes while Breast sucked his teeth.

   "Hey asshole let's tie this asshole up and stick him in the trunk then go out looking for Brooke, maybe then we can stop but instead of Mcdonalds we can go to Popeyes and  get one of those new chicken sandwiches." Beast said. Me and Jason just looked at them flabbergasted. At a time like this they want to talk about food. I noticed a watch dangling from the tv. Walking to it I smiled. My baby knew we would come.

  "We will find you baby girl I promise." I whispered to myself. After throwing Mike into the trunk we started our journey out and around the forest. I caught a glimpse of a cabin and in that moment my ears heard Mike yelling for help.

  "DUDE A CABIN!" Mason yelled out while smacking my chest causing the car to jerk hard on the break. Everyone moaned and groaned.

"What the fuck Mason! You didn't have to hit me." I groaned.

"Dude maybe Brooke is there." He responded while getting out of the car. He has a point maybe she is there. I got out of the car opening the trunk. Looking down at Mike with disgust. I grabbed him by his shirt yanking him out of the trunk.

  "Let's go bitch." I seethed anger boiling in my veins. He looked confused until he saw the cabin I stopped at.

"You think she's there?" He asked confused as ever. Ignoring him I pushed him in the direction of the cabin. Opening the front door I was greeted to a body in the living area.

  "Huh that's funny a living area yet nothing in here is living." Mason busted out laughing. I rolled my eyes at my idiot best friend. Searching the house with Mike in front of my eyes at all times we decided to go back downstairs. Shots echoed through out. Running while dragging Mike I looked to see what was going on. Mason was standing outside shock all over his face.

  "What the fuck Dude this is why we didn't want to give you a gun in the first place!" Beast said snatching the shot gun out of his hands.

  "Dude I saw something." Mason said disappointed that we didn't trust him. I looked at the area he was shooting I didn't see anything at all. We all just shook our head, walking back to the car we dumped Mike back into the trunk.

"So what are we going to do with him?" Jason asked. Honestly I didn't even know. I just wanted to find my beautiful girlfriend again. See her face kiss her soft lips, see how Isabella acts as soon as she sees her mommy again.

"I don't know dude but we will figure out what to do with him." I sighed. Driving on the highway there was backed up traffic. I honked twice and the person in the front of us got out his car to come to our window.

"Hey sir I'm sorry about what's going on but right now their handling some kind of emergency. I honestly don't know how long it's going to be." The man said to us as kind as he could.

  "Thank you for that information." I thanked him. He smiled and made his way back to his car. I looked behind us and backed up. I guess driving through the forest was the only way. As we drove towards the forest I noticed the ambulance taking someone in, and then an elder couple talking to the police.

  "Must of been a bad accident, this is why old ass people shouldn't drive." Beast growled. Honestly I just felt bad for them maybe it was their grandchild or their kid that was hurt. Driving through the forest I looked out and about hoping I would spot Brooke roaming around looking for freedom. I missed her so much. I know we will find her. I can feel it.


*As many times as their paths crossed he still didn't "find" her yet she was infront of him the whole time? Is what you guys are probably thinking lml it's going to be okay... or will it? Will he ever find her will she ever come home so many questions so many answers... tune in next time and safe reading love bugs 😘

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