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Lunch break.

I usually love lunch breaks. They give me some time to relax and collect myself. To get away from all the chaos around. And of course, there is food also.

I would much rather prefer to eat in the library or an empty classroom but I entertain Tate. Mostly because she likes sitting in the cafeteria. Unlike me, she loves chaos. But from a distance though. She likes the energy in the cafeteria but not enough to go sit at crowded table.

So, we usually sit alone and eat.

"Chill, Hope. It gonna be okay." Tate takes my hand in hers and pulls me with her towards the cafeteria.

"Were you even there, when he nearly killed me with his stare." I hissed at her.

"Oh boy! You're dramatic." She makes a face.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

She raised hers.

Okay, maybe she is right about the dramatic part.

"Okay, maybe not kill but, you know, he is a physcopath! I just don't want to be near him."

"You'll be fine." She squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"I hope you're right this time, Tate. Because I don't want to get hurt anymore."

And I don't want to hurt anyone anymore.

Mainly vanessa.

She abruptly stops, forcing me to come to a halt as well and stands directly in front of me.

"You won't get hurt, okay? I will not let him. If he even looks at you funny, I'll scratch his eyeballs out." She tells me sincerely.

I chuckle.

"Now, who's being dramatic?" I mock her.

But, I don't doubt her. She will scratch his eyeballs out but, I don't have any control over him so, I don't know how he'll react.

"Anything to cheer you up." She pecks my cheek with a big smile on her face.

And we continue our small trek to the cafeteria.


"I will fucking kill these people if, I don't get to eat something in 5 minutes." Tate throws the threat casually.Not giving a single fuck that we're standing in the middle of "these people".

The girl in front of me, gives us the dirtiest look.

I give her an apologetic smile and turn around to face Tate.

"Can you stop?" I ask in an exasperated tone.

"I'm hungry." She whines and pouts.

I don't blame her though. We've been standing in the line to get our food for the past 15 minutes now.

I don't know, why the kids ahead of us are taking so much goddamn time to get something to eat.

It's not like we are offered some four course meal here or some 5 or 6 continents.

"Isn't my blood enough for you blood sucking demon?" I try to joke to distract her.

She just gives me a very dirty look and flips me off.

I can't let her down, so I return the favor.

We finally get our food after 5 minutes of waiting.

Tate almost cries tears of joy.

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