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I've put some extra effort in my appearance today.

Any guesses why?

Of course so that I could compete with the blonde Barbie.

I'm wearing an oversized purple sweater with a White skirt that falls just below my thighs. For shoes, I'm wearing black converse.

I Just can't with the shoes. Converse is for life.

I've pulled my hair into a high ponytail. My face is makeup free except for a little mascara and lip gloss.

That's it.


This is me putting effort.

I'm decent to look at in general also. I don't have pale skin tone like Barbie. I'm more on the dusky side or tanned side. But usually people find it attractive so that's a plus. I have dark brown hair. I'm no tall, but I have decent height also. I'm 5'5.


Decent looking.

I look at myself in the mirror.

I briefly close my eyes and take a deep breath.

You've got this hope.

I have a simple plan for today.

Ignore Royce.

If I want to protect myself and my heart I have to just ignore Royce.

Easier said than done.

How could I ignore someone if that someone is in my every thought.

But I have to do it. Royce has a girlfriend. I'm feeling like a piece of shit ever since I got know that he has a freaking girlfriend. He cheated on his girlfriend with me. I'm not this kind of person.

But I can't do anything about it. And I think a part of me knows that if I get to do everything from the start again. I wouldn't change a damn thing.

This thought scares me the most.

Someone knocks on my door. I stand up to open it.

"Oh honey! You're looking so beautiful." My mom says as soon as she sees me.

My cheeks heat up.

"Thanks Mom."

"Tate is here, waiting for you. She is in her car. I asked her to come inside but she said you guys were getting late. Go before she gives me a headache with all the honking." As if on cue a honking comes from outside.

We both laugh.

"Yeah I'm just leaving. Bye. Love you." I give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you too. And be safe." She says.

I just nod and leave.

On the way out, I take a apple from the kitchen.

Tate is waiting impatiently for me in her car. I'm tempted to go back just to be on her last nerve. It is kind of fun to irritate Tate. But today is not the day for my entertainment.

I settle in the passenger seat and blow Tate a kiss.

"Woohoo! Who are you And where is my hopeless?" Tate makes a point to look me up and down and whistle.

I takes everything in me to not smile.

"Let's just get this over with already Tate. I'm only doing this shit because of you so you better be nice to me." I point my index finger at her.

"You know, you don't have to pretend in front of me. I know you better than you know yourself." She says as she drives us.

"Please enlighten me, what am I pretending?." I ask her.

"You're acting like you don't want to go this game but in reality you're lady parts are dying to see Royce on the field." She says with a straight face.

I have no idea how can she say shit like this with a poker face. I can't even crack a freaking joke without laughing or making a weird face.

"Nope. You're wrong this time baby doll. Well yes my lady parts are excited but not for Royce. They are excited to see Shawn."

Tate sideways stares at me for a moment then clears her throat.

"Liar liar pants on fire."she sings.

"Real mature Tate. Real mature." I say sarcastically with a nod.

"Okay!! Jokes apart. But if that son of a bitch gives you a hard time just come to me and I will teach him a lesson." She says firmly.

"Why would you call Shawn 'son of a bitch'? He didn't even do anything." I say innocently.

"I'm sorry, hopeless but you're really not funny. And you know, I meant Royce." She says with a weird face.

I still can't believe I have Tate as my best friend. She is talking about teaching a lesson to a guy almost double her weight and height for me. It sounds so ridiculous. But that's Tate, always there for your rescue. Even if it meant fighting hulk.

"Don't worry Tate. You'll be the first person to know if he did something."

We turn into the stadium's parking lot and Tate parks the car.

We get out and make our way to the stadium.

I intertwined my arm with Tate's on our way inside. Vanessa is in the cheerleading squad so she will be joining us after the match and the guys are obviously playing. So it's just us for now.

As we make our way inside I realize that I'm actually excited about the game.

Well that's a first.

I hope everything goes well.

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