26 2 4

The house is filled with tension right now.

Rightfully so after last night.

Mom, dad and I are sitting on the dining table at our usual chairs, eating silently.

I tried to make conversation but long gave up due to the lack of response from their sides.

They are not exactly ignoring me but not being exactly friendly either.

Dad is having his second cup of tea right now. He is done eating his breakfast. He is waiting for me to finish because apparently he is going to drop me off at school today.

I was not in the position to say no, so here I am deliberately eating my breakfast slowly to waste some time. I was hoping he would get fed up and leave but I guess today's not my lucky day.

"I have the entire day on my hands hope. I don't care if I have to wait an hour for you to finish eating your breakfast. I will wait." He tells me, typing on his laptop.

My eyes widened at that.

Fucking hell!

Of course he would notice.

He is my dad after all.

I look up and see a hint of a smile on mom's face.

And of course she is enjoying it.

I shove the rest of the toast in my mouth and swallow it down with milk.

Coughing a little.

My mom comes around the table to pat my back.

"Be careful."

Then, I drink the rest of the milk in one breath.

"I'm ready." I announce, standing up.

He is not going to give up, might as well save both of us the stress.

He shuts his laptop and gets up.

I give mom a quick kiss on the cheek and make my way outside.

Dad follows after me.

We both silently get inside the car and buckle our seatbelts.

I waved goodbye at mom just as dad was peeling out of the driveway.

The drive to school went by silently.

I could feel he is still a little mad. I know he will come around after sometime, I just have to wait around.


Just as I was about to get out of the car, dad called my name.


He leans forward to put a hand over head just like he used to when I was really young.

There was concern on his face.

"I just want what's best for you sweetheart." He tells me in a low voice.

"I know, dad." I put my hand over his that's resting on my head.

I know my dad is a little unintentionally pressurizing but he is still my dad and I love him more than anything.

I hate that I'm the reason behind the distressing look on his face.

He smiles a little and pulls his hand back.

"Just remember that." He tells me, smiling.

I nod my head and got out of the car.

I wave him goodbye near the school entrance and make my way inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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