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The ride back home is tense. Hope is silent but I could hear the thousands of questions she must have going through her mind. I wish I could answer them but I can't. It's just not me who I will put in a compromising position but vanshika and Ali also. And don't let her sweet act get to you. She can be a bitch if things don't go her way.

Back in the bowling alley I let my restraint spil. I couldn't help myself. Seems like when Hope is involved I could never control my emotions.

It's funny how I never noticed her before but now all I notice is her. In the classrooms. In cafeteria. She thinks I don't notice her. She has no idea how further from truth that is.

It doesn't really help when that bastard shawn is always trying to be around her. It took supernatural powers for me to not smash his face in the nearest wall evey time he touched her. The dude is getting on my nerves now.

And the other bastard Ali is of no help either. If anything he is getting off on my misery. He is my best friend but sometimes I feel like killing him. I told him not to bring shawn but the dude is whipped. Can't say no to Tate since she invited shawn. If it wasn't for Ali I would have long broke the deal with vanshika. But it doesn't matter how annoying the bastard can get, he is still my brother.

I glance at Hope to find her looking out the window. She has a vera calm type of beauty. I look at her and a kind of peace settles over me. She doesn't care what anybody had to say about her dressing style or lack of interest in makeup.

Even now she is wearing a gray oversized tshirt with a pair of jeans and of course her converse. Her face is free of makeup. Even her glasses are cute.

Cute? What the fuck Royce!

Is she worth all the trouble and jeopardizing Ali's future for?

"What happened to your arm?" Hope asks with concern in her voice.

I was too deep into my thoughts I didn't notice her reaching for my arm. She touches my arm with a feather like touch. As if, if she put too much pressure it might hurt.

And I decided right then and there that, yes she is worth all the trouble in the world. I will find a way to keep Ali out of trouble and be with her at the same time. But first I need to talk to the she-devil.

"Football fun. Slipped while running."

"Be careful."

I can't help the shit eating grin that grace my face.

"You worried about me Hopeless?" I ask with a grin.

"No, do whatever you want." She muttered looking away.

Next 30 seconds are filled with absolute silence.

Until she realises its not the way to her house.

"Wait, it's not the way home." She tells me.

"I know. We're going to have dinner, I'm starving. After dinner I'll drop you off at home." I announce nonchalantly.

But internally I'm preparing myself of her wrath.

"What! Royce I don't want to go to dinner with you. Turn around and drop me off at my house." She orders in a firm voice.

She is cute when she is angry.

"Sorry princess Hopelessly, but this car will only stop at the restaurant." I chuckle.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You must be, right? How can ask me out on dinner after everything that has happened until now?" She almost yells.

"No stop! I'm not finished yet." She stops me before I could get a word in.

"First, you sleep with and then I get to know you have a freaking girlfriend and if that's not enough you treat me like I'm some sort of inconvenience for you! And then today at the bowling alley. What was that huh? What were you trying to do by all the teaching me how to bowl thing? And then your girlfriend comes and practically gives me the permission to be with you. You do realise it's all fucked up, right?" She yells.

During her outburst, we reached the restaurant and I parked the car.

"I know and can we please go eat dinner? You must be hungry." I tell her.

She looks at me like I've grown an extra head. Then she gets out of the car, slamming the door way too hard and takes off in the other direction.

"Son of bitch." I mutter and get out of cat, taking off after her.

"Hope! Listen to me." I yell after her.

She looks back at me and starts to run.

I reach her in 5 long strides and grab her elbow to stop her. She turns around and pushes me with all her energy but I don't let go.

"Hope! Hope! You can hit me all you want but just listen to me." I try to tell her but she isn't have it anymore.

I have pissed her royally.

"You son of a bitch! Leave me the fuck alone! Let me go! " She yells on top of her lungs still pushing me.

I turn her around and put my hand on her mouth to stop her from screaming. If someone saw us right now, we'd be in big trouble.

I pull us in a deserted area near the woods. And push her against a tree.

She has tears in her eyes now.


I am am asshole but I never wanted to make her cry. It's the last thing I want.

I remove my hand from over her mouth and bring my forehead to hers. Letting her have a moment.

We breath in silence for a bit.

"I will tell you everything, I promise. But please let's go eat something first. And I'm sorry for everything Hope. Everything. Please just give me this one chance." I all but plead to her.

She takes a couple of deep breaths and just nods.

She pushes me lightly so I'd let her. I kiss her once on the forehead and ease back.

Then we go inside the restaurant.

(Please turn that white heart red and do comment)

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