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Royce turns me around by my shoulders and hands me a ball.

Where he touched me by the shoulder is still tingly. It's like someone put something really hot on my shoulders. The kind of hot that makes me want to just melt in his arms.
He wraps his arms around me from behind and walks us to the lane.

It's so bloody inappropriate but I can't bring myself to open my mouth. It feels like if I open my mouth only one sound will come. And I don't want to embarrass myself like that.

"Everything is good but you need to work on your stance." His hot breath lands on my neck, a shiver rolls down my body.

He swipes my hair onto my right shoulder and settles his chin on the left one.

"Spread your legs a little more." He whispers.

Without waiting for me to do it, he himself kicks my legs apart.

I gasp.

Reaching for his hand around my waist.

"I've got you." He whispers against my shoulder.

"You've to aim for the right since you're right handed. You're aiming for the middle, that's why you're missing every shot. Don't swing back too much, I don't want you to hurt these long legs." He whispers the last part, rubbing the back of my right thigh to my backside.

The fact that anyone could at any point walk in on us doesn't freak me out.

It's like we almost want to get caught.

"Okay." I breath with my eyes closed.

"Bend at the knees. Pay attention to the aim and not the pins. And last but not the least, open your eyes, babygirl." He chuckles.

I open my eyes immediately.

"Let's see you try." He breaths, sending a shiver down my body and backs away.

How the hell can he expect me to bowl after this?

I try to focus on hitting my target and do as he told me.

Stance like he told me and realesed the ball. The ball smoothly rolls over and hits the target. Expect for 2 pins all other fell.

I jump up and down to celebrate. Shouting on top of my lungs.

I turn around and leap into Royce's arms, not caring one bit that he has a girlfriend.

He catches me in arms not caring either that he had a girlfriend.

After the high of winning goes down I realize how close we are. How my arms are tightly around his neck and how his are around my lower waist. Dangerously close to my butt.

I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. Or is it his heart pounding?

"I'm ready when you guys are." Comes a sound from behind me.

I startle away from Royce. It's like I got caught opening Christmas presents before Christmas.

I turn around to find vanshika there. Leaning against the wall with one hand behind her waist. Looking relaxed.

I'd be balling my eyes out if my boyfriend did that to me. Even Royce looks all too comfortable for someone who just caught cheating on there partner.

"We're ready.'' Royce tells her in a calm voice.

It's like nothing happened.

He starts to walk away. And I realised that I've had enough. I can't keep doing this. Surely the first time, I didn't knew that he had a girlfriend but this time I sure as hell knew.

It doesn't matter that his girlfriend doesn't really care that he cheated or not. I'm not going to live with this guilt.

"I slept with him." I say it out loud.

Royce stops in his trek.

Vanshika looks at me with a poker face.

I couldn't tell if she is pissed or not. It's like she is a female version of Royce with her poker face.

"That party after the summer break? I didn't knew he already had a girlfriend so ummm....We you know." I have never been more embarrassed in my 17 years of life.

"Just know that I'm extremely sorry and I wouldn't have done that if I knew about you." A tear rolls down my left cheek.

"You did it just now." Vanshika says calmly.

"Uhh.... I'm sorry for that as well. Lapse of judgement. It won't happen again." My voice barely above a whisper.

Royce now has traded places with vanshika. Now he is standing leaning against the wall with his arms crossed across is chest. He is looking at me like I'm some sort of puzzle he is trying solve.

I didn't notice but vanshika is now standing right in front of me. But now she has smirk on her face.

''I like your honesty. " She says it out loud.

"You know how may girls he had slept with but none of them once came to told me. But you did."

"You know what? I like you so do whatever you want. Just do it out of the public eye. I don't care what you two do alone as long as it stays between the two of you." She announces with a tilt of her head.

And just walks away.

"I'll get myself a ride home. You two sort your shit out." She announces on her way out.

"Oh! And Hope, Tate left with Ali. Thought you should know." She says one last thing.

I had no idea what she is talking about. How can she say that? How can she allow her boyfriend to sleep with another women?

I stay in the same spot long after she is gone. It's like I'm in some sort of trance.
I can't wrap my head around what just happened.

Buried in my thoughts, I didn't notice Royce crossings the room to stand in front of me.

He tilts my chin up.

My dark brown eyes clash with his black ones. I have so many questions but I know he won't answer any of them.

"I'll drop you home." His whispers

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