11 2 1

The drive back home goes by in complete silence. I am too nervous to say anything.
I can't say anything about him because I'm too nervous to even look at him.

I keep my eyes locked outside the window on the moon. It feels like the moon is walking me home and that gives me some sort of comfort.

When I was young, I didn't really understand how this round looking thing keeps following me around. I remember, I even asked my dad about it and my dad told me, it's there keep an eye on you. To make sure you're okay. For a very long time, I held on to those words with everything in me. Whenever I was alone at night, I used to always comfort myself, thinking I am not alone, the moon is with me.

I think, I still have held onto those words somehow.

I want to tell this to, Royce but, I'm too nervous.

Nervous to look at him.

Nervous to speak to him.

And nervous as to how parents will react to me staying outside 4 hours past my curfew.

It's currently 11 pm right now and I was supposed be at home before 7 pm. They wouldn't have minded me staying outside until 8 Or maybe even 9 but, I know, I have crossed every limit they have set for me.

I turn around in my seat to look at him and see his jaw set straight.

"Just drop me a block away from home." I tell him, my voice barely above a whisper.

He looks over at me with his blank stare. His face devoid of any emotions. He stares at me like that for 2 seconds and then looks out the windshield again without acknowledging me.

"Royce, my parents can't see your car out front again. And especially not at this time. Please, drop me off a block away!" I plead.

"Heard you the first time. Let the fucking block at least come." He replies.

That makes sense

I glup down some air awkwardly.

After 5 more minutes of completely silence filled car ride later, he pulls up a block away from my house.

The car stops but I don't make a move to get out. It somehow feels wrong. I don't want to go without resolving our problems.

"Thank you for the ride." I whisper, peeking out at him.

It's a good start right?

He simply nods.

Why does he have to be so indifferent?

Why do only he has this ability of cutting his emotions from people just like that?

"Royce." I whisper his name.

He turns his head to look at me.

Still giving nothing from his expression.

"Why can't we be just friends? I don't want to go without resolving this." I plead him with my eyes.

Suddenly, he clicks his seatbelt open and leans over his body towards me.

I push my back against the seat, not because he is making uncomfortable but because I'm scared to get too comfortable with him.

Sure I want to be friends but that doesn't mean he have to be this close whole talking.

His breath falls on face and shivers roll down my body.

I hate my body's reaction towards him.

Why can't his touch be like Shawn's?

It would be much easier.

"Get out." He whispers against my face.

His words don't register me for some time. I got too comfortable in his presence. The exact thing I was scared of.

"What?" I whisper back.

"I said, get out. I don't want to be your friend, Hope. You are either all mine or nothing. I don't play in the middle field."

"And I won't be your dirty secret."

"You will not be my secret and that's the last time I'm saying it." He says with authority.

"What you are saying right now is implying just that, Royce." I counter.

He takes a deep breath and I could feel it on my face.

It's bloody distracting.

He needs to back off.

I put my hand on his shoulder to push him away but I can't

"Then leave and lets just hope that we don't cross paths unless necessary." He whispers and backs off.

It takes me some time to get a hang of my body again. It's weird how my body comes alive near him.

My shaky hand reaches for the door handle and I open the door, to get out.

Getting out of the car, I shut the door behind me.

I started to walk away, then I heard another door shut. I turn around to find Royce leaning against his car door.

My eyes locked with his and they seemed extra dark right now. This time, I hold his eyes with my own. Letting him know of all the emotions going through me right now.

Then, I turn around and walk away.

Just when I was about round the corner, I took one last glance back and still find Royce in the same spot I left him in.

He still hadn't left.

The I turn around and this time I don't look back.

This is it.

This chapter closes now.

No more Royce.

No more boys.

No more sex.

No more eye fucking.

No more stalking.

Now, it's just going to be me, my Tate and my studies. I am done with boy drama forever now.

Okay! Maybe not forever!

I have a life to lead.

Books to read.

A friend to see getting married and have children.

Lots of places to travel to.

Eating different types of exotic food.

I promise myself to not indulge in any kind of drama for the rest of the academic year.

With this new found resolve, I take concrete steps towards my house.

And then it hits me.

Right now, I have two parents to convince to not ground me for the rest of my life.

Oh goddddd!!!!!!!

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