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- good to know you are boring and do not have anything better to do then talk to the girl with a small bladder- E
- in this case you are boring as well. There's not much to do here. - H
- Theres a party tonight why aren't you there?- E
- sorta, kind of complicated. You?- H
- I have to work sadly, or else I'd be there because unlike you i am not boring. - E
- your retweet's and anonymous account says otherwise- H
- You're on an anonymous account too, why's that? - E
- Keeps this interesting, you? - H
- Sorta in the closet, I have to go now, nice talking to you toilet girl. - E
- understandable. Be careful small bladder- H
I would be lying if i said she wasn't on my mind for the rest of the night but she was and it did not make it easier that this house was alone and all my friends were at my ex girlfriend's party. So i decided to go, I showed up and it was very quiet inside except for the artist putting away her things and a couple of people. "Hey do you know where everyone's at?" I asked her and she pointed outside. I thanked her and walked outside to where everyone was and it was instantly regretted on my half as soon as a red solo cup was in my hand. I was talking to my friends when my phone vibrated from a text from the girl.
- since work is done and I am now free any chance you'd be willing to call me?- E
- I decided to come to that party but it is very much boring, maybe give me a few minutes? - H
- drive safely - e

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