chapter five

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9th November

The girls had organised a night out for Talia's birthday, excluding the boys. This consisted of Gee, Freya, Becky, Sarah, Stella, and Talia, of course. A few more of them were supposed to be meeting them at the club a little later into the night, but until then it was just the small group of girls.

Thankfully, the weather hadn't been as bad as it had before, and from that, Stella's cold had more or less disappeared. Thanks to me, Stella remembered Harry saying. Still, as the sky grew dark, the weather was still rather bitter as Stella and the rest of the girls stepped out onto the street, the wind whipping Stella's dress around her thighs. They bustled down the street, towards the club, clutching their coats close to them to preserve as much warmth as they could.

"Thinking of meeting anyone tonight?" Sarah asked Stella, bumping her hip playfully, as the group continued to walk.

"Definitely not." Stella retorted, pulling a face. "Have you seen some of them round here?"

Sarah laughed, looping her arm through Stella's. "You might find someone." She insisted.

"If I haven't found anyone already, I seriously doubt I will at this point." Stella joked, opening the door to the club and letting Sarah in first.

As the six girls sat down in their booth, starting to sip on their drinks, they instantly launched into conversation, mostly consisting about the excitement of the upcoming trip.

"Bit shit I couldn't come," Becky said, scrunching her face up in annoyance. "But I promised I'd go see my parents that week."

"It's alright, we can have our own girl's trip soon." Stella assured the girl.

"Have we sorted out rooms yet?" Talia asked, leaning over the table, not asking the question to anyone in particular.

"I assume most of the couples will be sleeping in the same room," Gee voiced, downing most of her drink already. "So that probably leaves me and Stella."

"I don't mind sharing with you," Stella piped up. "As long as you don't snore."

"I swear I don't!" She protested.

"Not true." Talia laughed, shaking her head.

"That also leaves Karinna, though." Freya chimed in, looking between the girls.

"Who cares?" Stella said, rolling her eyes.

"Good point," Talia giggled, having already become fairly jolly from the little alcohol consumption.

"I think she's bringing one of her mates," Sarah spoke, pulling a face. "Sophie or something,"

"Oh, lovely." Gee sighed.

"You lucky gals." Becky laughed, not caring to hide her amusement.

"Swear she said she only hangs out with boys." Stella went on, scowling at the memory.

"Mhm," Freya nodded, sipping her drink. "But I guess the only one that keeps her around is Cal."

"Well, she seems to be sticking around for Harry." Sarah giggled.

Confused, Stella went quiet. She saw Freya give her a brief glance out of the corner of her eye.

"Harry? What do you mean?" Gee pressed, leaning over the table to get close.

"Well, one time she told Stella that she thought he was good looking or something," Becky chimed in.

"Yeah, and I heard her talking to her mate the other day," Sarah spoke, lowering her voice as if to not be heard by anyone else, not that it would have mattered, considering they were in a loud club at the moment. "Karinna and Freezy were going out, and wanted to drag Cal and a few others along with them, and of course, being his girlfriend I had to go too."

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