chapter twelve

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15th December

Cal had done pretty well picking out where they were staying. Stella admired the large cabin type house, which perfectly matched the snowy area of Norway. The group walked up the steps and towards the entrance of the house, kicking off any snow from their shoes as they opened up the door and dumped their bags in the hallway.

"I'm going straight up to our room." Gee announced, passing Stella. "I need to get out of these airport clothes from being cramped in that seat."

"You chose the middle seat." Will laughed from the other side of Stella.

"She's got a point," Stella observed, as Gee continued up the stairs. "Plane journeys get pretty boring after a while."

"You slept the whole plane journey." Cal laughed, passing the two, dragging his bags behind him.

"Not the whole time," Stella replied, folding her arms. "Josh and I watched Ratatouille."

"That's a child's film."

Stella paused, studying Cal for a brief moment. "You kind of look like the donny from the film."

Cal pulled an offended face as he turned around to walk towards the stairs and up to his room, Stella following behind. "Besides, how did you know I was sleeping? I was on the other side of the plane."

The two abruptly stopped by Cal's doorway, as he fumbled to open the door. "Me and Harold saw you as we passed."

"Right." So the only time he looked at her was when she was asleep.

Cal entered his room, pulling his bags in with him, as Stella stayed stood in the hallway. Heaving out a sigh, Stella began to walk down the hallway to find her own room, but accidentally walked into Harry as he exited the room Cal just entered.

"Fuck, sorry." Stella mumbled, as she bumped chests with Harry, as they both tried to pass each other in the hallway.

"It's fine." He replied shortly, not looking at her as he finally passed by.

Stella watched him retreat down the hallway and back down the stairs.

At this point, Stella had fully debated putting 'Little Boy' on full blast and rapping every single verse, just to get his attention. Even at this rate, it probably wouldn't even work.

Stella picked her bags back up and continued to walk down the hallway. Whilst walking down the corridor, Stella suddenly felt someone walk into her side.

"Shit, sorry." She exclaimed, as the two of them bumped into each other. It seemed like Stella couldn't stop walking into people today.

Stella looked up to see that it was Karinna's friend, Sophie.

"It's no problem," She laughed lightly, picking her bag back up that she had dropped. "You're... Stella right?"

Stella gave a small smile. "That's me, and you're Sophie?"

"Yeah," The girl returned the smile. She seemed a lot friendlier than Karinna, making Stella wonder why she was even friends with her. "Which is your room?"

"Just the one down there, I think." Stella pointed down the hall, watching Gee go into the respective room.

"Ah, mine's the other way." She gestured in the other direction. "Anyway, I've got to go put my bags in there. See you later!"

The girl retreated down said hallway and down some steps, leaving Stella stood by herself.

"This is my bed," Gee announced, whilst laying on said bed, kicking her feet up in the air, as Stella entered the room.

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