chapter nine

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24th November

"Happy birthday!" Stella cried, as Harry opened the door to his flat. Having only gotten back in the early hours of the morning, he was still pretty tired, but had managed to get himself up when Stella had proposed that he take her shopping so they could decide on a proper birthday gift for her to give him. Oddly, the girl had advised that he wore "not-sloppy" clothes, just in case he didn't have time to get changed later, which was a pretty strange suggestion to him, but he did so anyway.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't decide on a present, but here's your card." She spoke, passing it over to him. "I'm not one for being soppy in cards, so it's pretty bland, sorry."

"No, it's fine." Harry laughed, shaking his head. "Me neither."

"So, what are your plans for your birthday?" Stella asked, nonchalantly, as the two walked down the hallway, towards the lift.

"Cal mentioned about going to one of the pubs tonight." He replied.

Stella nodded, trying her best not to let her emotions show, knowing it was just a cover for the plans tonight.

"Are you coming?" Harry spoke, turning to face her as the two of them stepped into the lift.

Stella raised her eyebrows as if it was the stupidest question. "Of course." She smiled. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I dunno." He shook his head, grinning. "Just checking."

Not long after they had left the tower, Harry and Stella were walking through the shopping center. Stella kept pointing out potential shops they could go into, to find him a present that she had yet to buy, but each time he insisted that she didn't have to buy him one.

"I didn't buy you one when it was yours." Harry interjected.

"Good point. But I want to buy you one." Stella argued, looking through the windows of shops.


"I think you deserve one." She smiled. "For putting up with me."


Stella playfully rolled her eyes, before stopping in front of one of the shop entrances. She didn't say a word as she decided to walk in, not paying any attention to Harry.

"Stella, it's fine," He insisted again, laughing, but she obviously wasn't listening. "Just buy me some sushi and I'll be happy with that."

She had stopped in front of a large display filled with loads of different technology things. Stella was clearly inspecting one of the boxes of a drone, and Harry immediately protested.

"No, Stella, that's not happening." He argued, pushing her away by the shoulders.

"Why not?" She protested, trying to wiggle out of his grip. "You mentioned that your other one broke."

"Yes, and I broke it, so I should pay for it."

"But it's your birthday." She urged, picking the box back up.

Harry huffed and stepped away from her. He noticed that she was more dressed up than usual, wearing a thigh length dress, with a bit more makeup on than usual. Her hair was also looking more done-up than usual, contrasting her unkempt hair that she had most of the time.

"Stop looking at me, I know you're trying to distract me from buying this." Stella laughed, glancing up at him briefly.

"I'm not looking at you to distract you." The words slipped from his mouth before he could even think.

Harry expected Stella to roll her eyes at him or something, but instead, she smiled and looked back down at the box in her hands, a faint blush on her cheeks.

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