Day two

45 2 0

AN/ This is a short one, but in all it is kinda cute!!

"Okay, please don't hate me after this." Keith said, taking in a deep breath.

"I like you...a lot and I don't even know if you are into guys and if you are I doubt you're into me but if youre not that's completely fine and I don't want this getting in the way of our friendship at all so if you don't want to be friends with me after this just say so, I just thought you should know.."

The Male stared into the bathroom mirror, continuously shaking his head.

"No no that's not right! I'll probably embarrass myself if I say that...stupid pidge with her stupid bets..." he buried his porcelain skin in his jacket and groaned. Well it wasn't much his jacket, in fact it was Lance's jacket he stole from the laundry room. Lance had noticed it went missing and blamed Keith for taking it, although the red padalin had never owned up to it.

Recently, Keith had been crushing on Lance. And oh boy that was obvious, well to everybody but the blue and red padalins.

Pidge was the first to confront Keith about it, they made a bet that if he didn't ask Lance out by the end of the month he owed her a new laptop; which he didn't have the money for.

At first Keith was hesitant about asking Lance out, starting to overthink. Oh boy it would be awkward forming voltron if he got rejected.

Keith had spent half the day with himself locked in the bathroom, trying to think of some sort of pickup line, he repeated everything. Even said some cheesy ass stuff.

But little did he know Lance was outside the door listening.

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