Day Six

17 1 0

this one gets a little uh, spicy?

"We're getting close!" The voice of the green paladin Pidge buzzed through to the helmets of the other two inside of the red lion, Keith at the controls and Lance leaning on his chair to steady himself as they soared through space.
Sending a quick glance back at Lance who was preoccupied looking out the front of the lion at the approaching planet, he quickly brought his gaze back and tried to ignore a sudden warmth in his face.

Oh god, he's so close, I'm gay as hell. "I can see it," Keith answered her with a sharp edge to his tone despite his fond gay thoughts, his eyes glazing over the planet without paying much attention to it and instead trying not to become a space tomato.
It was a smaller planet, a soft lavender colour, and as they landed craters similar to those of the moon were visible. Out of each crater rose exactly four curious looking creatures, slim humanoid figures with violet skin a few shades darker than their planet. Four arms stuck out of their sides, accompanied by four pupilless eyes. Around their head was what was almost a mane for the masculine looking figures, and the more petite feminine figures had shoulder length frizzy hair.

"Hey Keith, they're purple just like half of you! This is your home!" Lance snorted at the male, who promptly elbowed him in the stomach with a slight closed eye twitch and a growl between gritted teeth.
"Shut up," he groaned and took a step forward, looking around briefly and nodding towards Pidge as she climbed out of her lion with her translation equipment, gently placing her babies on the ground and typing into one of the boards for a few moments before standing back up, a strange collection of words in another language coming out.

"Hello! My name is Pidge, and I am the Paladin of the green lion! These two here-" she gestured to the two standoffish boys behind her as her technology carried on- "are Lance and Keith, the paladins of the blue and red lions respectively."
There was some slight giggling from the humanoid creatures and babble in the language coming from her equipment as they looked at the two, a confused look growing on their faces. Lance nudged him and displayed his confused expression, Keith responding with a shrug and a slightly red face. The aliens giggled more at this.

Pidge typed for another couple moments, standing up and letting the words play. "We're here to form an alliance with your planet. Together we create Voltron, the most powerful weapon in the universe, and we're on a mission to take down Zarkon and the Galra empire! He's been torturing the innocent inhabitants of the universe for far too long, and together the paladins of Voltron will stop him!"
The creatures looked impressed, nodding at each other slowly. An older male with a big greying mane stepped forward, extending a four-fingered hand which Pidge took without hesitance and shook as a symbol of their alliance.

The green paladin typed in a couple more sentences into the machine, giving the obvious leader of the species a small device. "Thank you for your cooperation. Contact us via this transmitter if your planet ever needs assistance."

The leader nodded, saying a few words of their garbled language which immediately translated on Pidge's screen into English. She quickly cut off the machine as started to speak out loud though, gaining a smug grin on her face."No, they aren't- I wish."
Keith narrowed his eyes, snapping his head up to attention as she said that. There was an ominous feeling in the pit of his stomach that she was talking about him and Lance, or so the sly smile on her face suggested. He could already feel his body heating up at the possible questions being asked by the leader of the species.

The humanoid smiled, crossing the top two of his four arms across his chest and keeping the other two hanging loosely at his sides. On the screen of the device appeared a few more words. "Sounds good," Pidge replied and smiled innocently before glancing over at Lance and Keith, the latter looking very suspicious of her. "They want to host a- ceremony, in honor of you two. I'll guide you through it, tell you what to say and all."
The red paladin was obviously hesitant- and rude-, his bangs swishing slightly in the helmet he was wearing as he tossed his head to avert his gaze with a sniff.

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