》You Found Me《 Tartaglia x Reader

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Specifics: Childe/Tartaglia's real name, some of his past, and the Cryo Archon (of Snezhnaya)

"Good morning! How is my girlie doing?"

Awoken by the familiar voice of my beloved, I smiled. "Tartaglia! How did you find me?"

"Well, it was difficult as you are out camping in the middle of nowhere, but..." He smirked. "We always find our way to each other, don't we?"

"That we do." I got up from my sleeping bag, trotted over to him, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him. I placed my head against his chest, taking his presence in.

He stroked my hair before whispering, "I'm sorry."

The two words chilled me to the bone. I took a step back to look at him. He met me with cold eyes.

My throat felt dry, but I managed to choke out some words. "What...do you mean?"

"A hero of Mondstadt and a Harbinger don't make sense together, now do they?"

"But...you're different. We're different. My love, where is this coming from..." I clasped both his hands in my tiny ones.

"You know my past, Y/n. It's only natural. My role has been set since I was 14. My role...it's to be your enemy."

"This isn't like you! You were never the type to believe in a set destiny. Tartaglia, my love, you don't have to follow rules. You...can't just let the Fatui control you..." I began trembling. "This isn't even my world, yet we still met and fell for each other..."

Despite all the people I've met in my travels, none could compare to Tartaglia. I was utterly in love with him, and I couldn't imagine having to part. I didn't care he was a Harbinger, he was separate from the rest. He saved me countless of times...for Barbatos sake that's how we first met! My sweet yet ever so boastful prince...who hurt you?

"I think you're forgetting where I get my power from. I don't want to- but," his voice broke, "I have to. Your weapons are behind you, meanwhile..." He shook my hands off and drew his weapons. Not wanting to believe he would hurt me, I stood my ground.

I was naive. He crossed his blades behind my neck. I felt the cold wet touch of the weapons purely made of water. I pressed my head against his chest and gripped his shirt.

"I don't want it to be this way, and I know you don't either. You aren't a bad guy, Tartaglia. I know that because...I love you. Think back on it all. Please. I know I mean something to you, the same way you mean so much to me."

He withdrew his weapons. "I'm too tainted for you, my princess." He sent a powerful chop to the back of my head, and I felt myself losing consciousness.


Abyss Mages, right. I held my sword and kept close watch. Once they were directly underneath the cliff, I dove down. I whipped my sword around and sent off whirlwinds. I was focusing on the Hydro mage, but as I was doing so, the Cryo one dropped an icicle on top of me. I was frozen. I attempted to struggle, but...I quickly gave up. I lost my brother which started this all, and my boyfriend has been unheard from for two weeks.

What's the point...! Aether has been missing for more than half a year, and I'm nowhere near close to finding him. As for Tartaglia...I have no idea where he is. I was hoping he'd find me again, but... I sighed. Was I supposed to look for him? The man who's never in a single place? Maybe I could've fixed things. Is it too late now?

I winced as the cold began biting at me. The pain didn't last long, as the ice suddenly began melting. The Abyss Mages were taken out.

"Y/n! What's up? Usually you're able to take out Abyss Mages easy..." Amber ran up to me with eyebrows furrowed.

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