Roommates (Kurapika x Reader)

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"Thank you again for letting me move in with you, Kurapika," I said, placing my last box down.

He smiled. "Well, you're my close companion and I had an extra room, so I couldn't turn a lady down."

My heart skipped a beat as I saw his smile and heard him call me his 'close companion'. Truth be told, Kurapika had me charmed from when we first met. We met in Yorknew City, and his quiet appearance yet loud revenge seeking heart drew me in. I wanted to stand by him, as I was in a similar place. However...compared to the man of my eye, I wasn't very planned out. As a result, I knew that Kurapika was someone I wanted to protect. I know he doesn't exactly need me, but...just to watch over him.

"I appreciate your courtesy! I know you're busy, so you can leave me to unpack." I searched his living room for a box with the label 'bedroom' on it, but he reached out for my hand.

"Nonsense, Y/n."

I turned to look back at him.

"We're...roommates now. It's my responsibility to take care of you."

My face grew warm. "Truth be told...I like the idea of that. Oh, but we have to take care of each other. I won't let it be one-sided."

"Alright, that sounds fair... I could use someone like you." He covered his mouth. "When I put it that way, it sounds cruel. What I meant to say is that I look forward to having you around. We get along well."

"Do you realize how charming you are?" I questioned. "This might sound strange, but I love the way you speak."

He averted his eyes, picked up one of my boxes, and headed to my room, but I noticed a dust of pink settle onto his cheeks. A smile creeped onto my face and I picked up a box as well, following suit.

"No one has told me that before," Kurapika admitted. "I'm glad you like that about me. Some...have found my manner of speech tiring."

My eyes widened. "Really? I find that hard to believe, but...I'm sorry you've been faced with such people."

He let out a laugh, but it was without a doubt forced; his shoulders rose up. "With all that I've gone through, people's opinions of me simply do not matter." He slowly returned to a relaxed stance as he turned around to face me, placing the box he was holding down in my room. "However, I do care about what you have to say about me. I'm grateful for your every word."

I waved my hand dismissively. "Oh, you're making me seem like an extremely important person. I'm just me. Some girl that happened to take your free room."

"Well, I wouldn't have it any other way. To me, you are immensely important and not 'some girl'. Please realize your worth, Y/n. You're my dear roommate, and I won't ever regret inviting you to stay with me."

I giggled. "I know I've said this a lot, and I'll probably be saying this for the rest of time, but...thank you, Kurapika."

"It's no problem. Besides, it was satisfying to see Leorio's jealous face when I told him about your staying with me." Kurapika laughed.

I tilted my head. "Jealous?"

"Oh, of course. You know how he is. He's very driven to become a doctor, don't get me wrong, but he's also very swayed by women. To hear that his best friend is living with one as beautiful as yourself, well-" A wave of red overtook his face. He cleared his throat. "Ah. Anyways..."

"What was that last bit?" I asked, smirking.

He shifted his eyes to the wooden panels of the floor. "I...was only stating the obvious. I apologize if I objectified you. I have great respect for women."

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