Personal Assistant (Tartaglia x Reader)

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"You've been a viable asset and all, but you're being booted off to the new guy's squadron. Something about helping him stay organized and welcome. I guess you're good at that, since you're popular among the other chumps, so when the Tsaritsa asked, I put you up for consideration. Congrats, you've been chosen! Pack your things and get out of my sight."

Previously, I worked under and managed to tolerate Master Scaramouche. There was a new addition to the Harbingers, and I was moved to his squadron due to my skill and experience. Numerous questions swam through my mind. Am I really the most qualified for this? Of all foot soldiers, why me? And why does he want to meet me one on one?

My shoes clacked against the hard tile as I made my way to the 11th Fatui Harbingers room. Upon arriving, I was shocked to see the lack of guards. My heart pounded as I raised my hand to knock on the door. I'd have to learn the ways and act accordingly for a new Harbinger... The door suddenly swung open and I flinched, causing the one who opened it to laugh. I looked up at the fairly tall man. If I recall, he and I are both 18, making him the youngest Harbinger.

"Hi, I'm Childe."

I bowed. "It's nice to meet you, Master Childe. My name's Y/n. I look forward to working with you."

"From my understanding, you're my assistant?" he questioned.

I nodded. "I previously worked under Master Scaramouche."

He grinned. "He's a real piece of work. I promise I'm not that way. This must be freeing, hm?"

Answering that question truthfully wouldn't be wise...

Detecting my hesitance, Childe moved on from the subject and invited me into his room. He allowed me a seat, and we sat across from each other with a table in between.

"Not exactly a home, but for me, nothing could ever come close. I'm from Morepesok, and I have a big family." He met eyes with me. "What about you? You don't look like you're from Snezhnaya."

"That's correct," I replied. "I'm from Liyue. I don't have any family, so I don't resonate enough with a place to call it home. Snezhnaya is close enough."

He placed his chin in his hand. "Really? That's a shame. Well, we can both find homes in our new stations. If you need anything, let me know."

"Ah. Sir, I should be saying that to you."

"Aw c'mon, no need to be so formal! We're the same age. Oh, but that does remind me." He beckoned me to come closer.

I did as he gestured, and he removed the mask I wore that covered the upper half of my face. I blinked a few times, slightly frozen in place.

He lifted my chin and examined me. "That's better. If we're gonna be working closely together, I want to better know what you look like. Anyways, what does your role as my assistant fully entail?" He drew close to my face, and I noticed him slightly lick his lips before arriving at a smirk.

Was I supposed to keep eye contact? And what does he mean by that? That was pretty suggestive, wasn't it?

Arriving at a sensible train of thought, I replied, "Whatever you require and deem appropriate."

"I get a lot of freedom then, huh?" he questioned. "Well, I'll be asking a lot from you, so I hope you're ready."

I nodded. "Of course, Master Childe."

He shook his head. "And the first thing I'll officially be asking of you is to stop with the 'master' and 'sir' thing. Just Childe is fine. Be as informal as possible. Although..." he trailed off before smiling. "I'm sure it'll take a little while to get used to me."

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