Surprise (Tartaglia x Reader)

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Tartaglia/Childe's real name

"To my love Y/n, although it's been a while since we've seen each other, I hope you're aware that I've never stopped thinking about you. I have great news! I'll be returning to Morepesok soon. By the time this letter reaches you, I should be home in about a day or two. I know, a short time to prepare for the arrival of my greatness, but I'm sure you'll manage! I have a great many stories to tell you, but I'll save them for when we reunite. No matter the distance and time apart, I will always be your dear prince. Love, Tartaglia xx
P.S. Do you think the 'xx' thing is cute?"

My lips curled into a smile as I read the letter from my beloved. We've been together for three years, and his letters never fail to fill me with joy. I carefully handled the letter and returned it to my drawer that barely managed to close. At times, Tartaglia and I would be apart for a long time, so his letters would be extensive. Not only that, but I had letters from when we were still teenagers. I wonder what the oldest letter dates... The beginnings of a flashback began creeping into my mind. It was about 6 years ago, so...we were 16 at the time.

"So you're leaving Snezhnaya?" I asked.

My friend who was a rising member of the Fatui nodded. "Yup! The Fatui are all over Teyvat, so I'll be moving around a lot. I'll be stationed in one of the other nations. I trained plenty here in Snezhnaya."

"Oh... I see."

"Aw, come on Y/n. I'll send letters!" he exclaimed. "You don't have to miss me too much."

I sighed. "I...I know. I'll be bored without you, though. There isn't all that much to do in Morepesok."

He grinned. "Hey, you have to help my parents take care of little Teucer, got it? He's only 2, but he's a handful! In my absence, Tonia and Anthon will cling onto you as well."

"You're keeping me in charge of babysitting?!"

"I'm being considerate of your boredom! A thank you would be nice, y'know."

"Y-Yeah." I looked up from the ground into his eyes, causing my vision to grow blurry. I felt choked up.

He wore a soft expression. "Y/n..."

I rubbed my eyes. "I' okay. Don't worry." I took a deep breath. "I should get going before your family arrives, wouldn't want to intrude. Um...good luck out there, Ajax."

"Thank you, Y/n. I'll see you again." He pulled me into a hug, and it took all my heart not to cry.

Who knew that we'd start dating two years later and a year after that get a house together? I felt a tear roll down my cheek and fall onto my wooden desk. Tartaglia was the one for me, without a doubt, but there was no denying that it was hard. Horrible thoughts would flood my mind. Was he taking care of himself? Does his lust for battle outweigh the feelings he has for me? Will things ever be easy between us? I shook my head. I better prepare things for his arrival! He said he'll always be my prince, and he's done nothing to prove otherwise. I have nothing to worry about!

I did some cleaning and made a light meal for lunch. Upon finishing that, I decided to visit Tartaglia's family. Arriving at his childhood home, I knocked on the door.

I heard a voice from inside. "Teucer, don't answer the door! Mama will get it!"

Greeting me at the door were Tartaglia's mother, Maleetva, and Teucer. "Oh, Y/n! Come in."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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