Chapter 1

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I breathe in the crisp clean air as I walk through the forest, taking in every scent and taste I could. My feet feel free as I take each step loving the cool and wet ground as I make my way through the fallen trees and into Forks once again.I stop as I reach the boundary of Forks clenching my jaw as I step over the line for the first time in about 100 years. I smirk and begin to walk slowly down the road into the village that used to be my home.

I make no sound as I walk in the pitch black of the night through the empty streets of Forks. My stomach aches as I haven't hunted in days. I groan a little as I smell the blood of people in their homes. I glance longingly at the houses wishing I could just have a taste knowing full well I can't... not if I want to stay here. I turn away and begin to run towards the forest at full speed once again.The wind hits me, cool and fresh and my feet barely touch the ground as I dodge in and out of the trees running at inhuman speed. 

I stop for a minute and listen trying to hear the sounds of an animal...any animal to quench my thirst for blood.I sharply turn my head as I hear hooves dance on the grass and leaves of the forest floor. I quietly leap onto a nearby tree and look down at the deer below me hungrily. Drool leaves the corner of my mouth and I quickly use my tongue to suck it back up before lunging at the unsuspecting deer. 

~The next day~

Forks is a gloomy place. I have known that since I came here last time. The sun barely comes out of behind the clouds, lucky for me but unlucky for any human that lives around here wanting to get a tan. I sigh and jump down from my watching place in the trees as the the light begins to get brighter meaning the morning was close. Today I was going to enrol myself in school. Highschool. I hadn't been to school in about 80 years meaning I am a little nervous if I am being honest. I quickly pick up the already rotting deer carcass and run it to a dark and wet cave nearby hoping to hide it from any humans that might find it suspicious before making my way to the highschool.

I had forgotten how loud people were and how much there smelled blood smelt.I had only been off human blood for a few months so ignoring the urge to just kill everyone around me was tough but I managed it for the time being. As I walk into the reception my ears start ringing as I hear everyones conversations all at once. I look around and try to block it out but its hard.I grit my teeth and frown as I continue making my way through the school. I sigh with relief as I manage to block out most of the conversations...something I hadn't had to do since, well centuries. I walk past a mirror in the the middle of the hallway and stop for a second looking at my pale white skin and my yellow almost gold eyes.I smile at my eyes happy they weren't red like other vampires who drink humans blood are. Animal blood or any blood other than humans makes your eye yellowy which I was thankful for. Red eyes wouldn't look very natural.The rest of my feature where somewhat normal.My hair was a dirty blonde that went just below my shoulders and my nose was an average size, my mouth was small and I had bright red, thin lips that were never smiling.I was fairly tall for a girl though guys would often tease me about my height.I look away my face grim as I continue my search for the reception area. 

"Hey are you new here?" A voice rings out behind me. I close my eyes trying to block out the strong urge to suck this persons blood as I hear them walk closer to me. I turn and put on a fake smile looking at this boy who was talking to me. "Hi I'm Mike, your new right?" Mike repeats holding out his hand for me to shake. I nod ignoring his outstretched hand looking at this blond haired and blue eyed boy in front of me. He was about 5'11 and his eyes shone bright in the little sun that was shining in through the windows. His skin was quite tanned for someone who lived in Forks but he seemed like a sweet guy. "Yes I am new," I reply turning back around to continue my search for the reception. "So I am guessing you need to find reception," Mike says running  to catch up with me. I groan silently as the urge for his blood becomes harder to ignore. I nod again hoping he will show me and leave but what did I expect from someone like Mike.

"Its down the hall and the first room on your right," He points smiling flirtatiously at me. "I will take you," Mike says grabbing my arm and leading me down the hall. I let him lead me down the hall and into the reception where I have to hold my nose as the stench became to much to handle. "Hello dear you must be hang on...Skye Campbell?" The old woman at the front desk asks giving me a small smile as she adjusts her glasses. I nod continuing to hold my nose trying to block out the scent. "Allergies dear? There are tissues over there if you need," The old lady laughs pointing to the desk beside the door. I give her a small smile and shake my head, taking my hand off my nose and grimacing as the smell rushes back to me . Mike leans against the door waiting for me as the old lady prints out my timetable. I thank her and head out to where Mike was patiently waiting. " English first?" He asks excitedly. I nod and mentally groan as I realise I have to stand being around him for at least another hour. 

Mike walks me to the classroom slowly chatting to me the whole way. But I had shut off, completely ignoring his every word as I gaze at the halls of the school stone faced observing how they had barely changed since the last time I was here. I watch as students run around laughing and chatting with each other as they all head to class. Every few students glancing at me every so often as I walk by. "And so that's how I ended up in Forks," Mike laughs finishing his story as we get to the english class. I smile and nod at him pretending I was listening as we walk into the small classroom. 

I almost gag as my nose picks up every drop of blood in the classroom.The stench was almost to much but I push through knowing it will only get easier. "Well hello you must be Skye nice to meet you." The teacher says coming over to me and patting my back gently. I look at him, a slightly older man in his 40s I would think with brown curly hair with a few grey strands and glasses hanging off the tip of his nose. "Thank you nice to meet you too," I reply putting on a smile for him. "My name is Mr Smith... now if you wouldn't mind please go sit over there next to um whats her name... Isabella Swan please, she is new as well so maybe you two will be fast friends." Mr Smith says smiling at me and gently pushing my over to Isabella. I slowly walk over to Isabella and place my bag down next to her getting ready for what seemed to be hell.

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