Chapter 11

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Skye POV

I watch unsure of what to do as Edwards speeds through the muddy field and into the depths of the forest with Bella in his silver jeep. "What's gonna happen to Bella?" I ask nervously. Carlisle looks at me and sighs. "James is a tracker... The hunt is his obsession, now he has a whiff of Bella he is not going to stop unless we kill him or he kills Bella. This is his most exciting game yet thanks to Edwards reaction on the field." Carlisle explains. I raise my eyebrows and put my hand to my mouth. "Shit,"

"Where are they going?" Rosalie asks her eyes still set on the spot the jeep disappeared into the forest. "Someone away from Forks." Carlisle replies his eyebrows knotted together in a frown. As he says this my sight goes black and I feel myself drop to my knees. "Skye!" I hear Alice yell as my hand falls from hers. I still had Alice's gift to see the future. "I'm ok." I grunt as the vision passes. I look straight at Carlisle as the vision stays in my mind. "Bella isn't leaving Forks... not yet anyway." 

"Hurry Alice." I yell looking over my shoulder at the shorter girl speeding behind me. She frowns at me before running faster and almost tripping over a log. I would've laughed if we hadn't been trying to save Bella's life. "Are you sure she is back at her house?" Emmet asks as he runs alongside us, his huge muscular arms looking like tree trunks at his side. I nod too nervous to speak as we reach Bella's house. 

"I smell Edward and Bella but no James." Esme says sighing in relief. I take a deep breath through my nose, different scents flowing through. Bella, Edward and Charlie but no one else. As you go to jump in Bella's window Edward jumps out landing on the gravel in front of you. "Edward why are you here, you were meant to take Bella away." Carlisle asks a frown set on his face. Edward sighs. "Bella couldn't leave her dad she had to protect him from James so she's faking our break up and saying she's leaving the town." Edward explains as I hear Bella arguing with Charlie. "Smart." Esme says as she watches the forest for any movement.

"She's coming." Edward says as Bella opens the front door. Everyone runs into the edge of the forest watching as Bella walks to the ute her eyes full of tears, placing her bag in the back she gets into the front seat and begins to drive. We all wait a few seconds before stepping back out into the opening. "Go we will catch up." Carlisle says to Edward who nods running after her car. Rosalie nods to Emmet who follows suit. "Where is he going?" I ask her. She smiles a little. "They will need a strong protecter and my mans the strongest of them all." I just nod before turning to Alice.

"And what am I going to do?" I ask her. Alice furrows her brows for a second before looking at me seriously. "We have to follow them... they may need our gifts to help.Get in the jeep." She orders before running into the drivers seat. I follow her and close the door quickly as she begins to drive like a physcopath. 

"Ok hey we may be dead but isn't this a little fast?" I ask clutching the arm of my chair. Alice doesn't reply only speeding up as her foot presses harder down on the accelerator. "We need to catch up." She says after a while. I nod and try to relax as I get used to the speed of her driving. Soon enough we find Bella's bright orange ute and Alice slows down as we drive behind it. Emmet sits on the back of the truck and turns to wave at us making me smile a little.But my smile fades as I see Bella's tear stained face struck with worry in the reflection of the side mirrors.

"I wish it was me... Me James was hunting instead of Bella," I sigh feeling guilty for no reason. Alice looks at me for the first time since we started driving and shakes her head. "Skye I don't think I could handle it if it was you...I care about you too much...I wouldn't be able to cope if it was you and leaving you like Edward had to leave Bella... I wouldn't be able to do it," She says softly her eyes soft and caring. I raise my eyebrows at her confession and look at her a smile creeping on my face making her embarrassed. She turns her head back to face the ute once more. Silence fills the jeep once more as I am rendered speechless.

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