Chapter 2

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I place my bag down on the floor next to me as I sit in the small wooden chair next to Isabella.I try not to glance her her way as I don't want to have a conversation. I rub my hands together and close my eyes trying to distract myself from the urge to drink blood. "It will get easier," I repeat to myself hoping my animal instincts wouldn't kick in. "Hey you must be new as well right...well I am Isabella but you can call me Bella I guess." Bella says her mouth smiling but her eyes bored and unhappy. I glance at her and take in her facial features.

She was very petite, very small and gangly and pale very pale but not as pale as me. She had chocolate brown hair that was very thick and straight that sat at the perfect height, shoulder length. Her eyes were a darkish brown colour, the kind that if the sun hit them at a certain angle they would look like honey. I sit staring at her for a while my mind focusing on her features and her looks. "Hello?" Bella frowns snapping me out of my little trance. I ignore her and turn back around facing the front. "You know if your gonna ignore me can I at least know your name?"She asks leaning over from her desk so she can whisper to me as the teacher begins to talk. I gag a little as I smell her blood as clear as day as she gets closer to me. I lean away from her a little and she frowns ever so slightly. She leans back to her desk and scowls her feelings obviously hurt.

I glance at her and roll my eyes, not wanting to hurt her feelings I turn my head towards her. "My name is Skye." I say grimly not making the effort to smile. I watch as her eyes light up a little and she sits up in her chair a little more. " I guess we are both new huh well um have you met Mike?" She asks gesturing to the blond haired kid that had followed me around like a puppy before school. "Yes he seemed very um-" I say not sure how to respond to the question as I didn't want to hurt her feelings if she was friends with him. "Annoying?" Bella asks her eyebrows raised. I nod smirking a little at how straightforward she was.

"So what class do you have after lunch?" She asks turning her head back to me. I watch closely as her eyes skim my face and body curiously. "I have Bio," I reply watching as her eyes dart up to my face once more.Bella nods. "So um you wanna sit with me at lunch... I kinda have to deal with Mike and his friends who are exactly like him so I would like some company that I would well enjoy...please," She grins awkwardly pleading me. I nod again and she sighs with relief before leaning back in her chair her focus returning back to the teacher.

I watch her out the corner of my eye, my brows furrowed in confusion. My skill didn't seem to be working on her...

Some vampires when transformed gain rare abilities or skills. They can be anything from mind reading to manipulating elements. I have only met a few vampires with skills most of them being part of the Volturi. (The Volturi are the largest and most powerful coven of vampires.They enforce the laws of the vampire world.) Skills are meant to be able to work on anyone or anything, well apart from blockers (vampires with the skill to block themselves from other vampires skills) but mine doesn't seem to work on Bella.That had never happened before.

My skill enables me to have the skill of any vampire I touch that has a skill allowing me to be able to do whatever that vampire is capable of until I touch another vampire with a different skill then I inherit that skill and so on. The last vampire I touched had the skill to see peoples future so when I look at them long enough I can see that persons future loud and clear. I have had this skill for about 50 years as I haven't seen another vampire in a very long time.

"So Skye where did you come from and what made you come to Forks?" Mike asks jumping around me, his blond hair bouncing around on his head as we walk out of class. I ignore the question and continue to walk toward the cafeteria with Bella.The cafeteria was almost empty apart from a few people here and there. I try to ignore the chatter in my ears and faint taste of blood on my lips as I saunter into the cafeteria with Bella and sit down at an empty table. Bella frowns at me and tilts her head. "Aren't you getting food?" She asks pointing at the line of students who where queueing up to get the disgusting mess people called food.I mentally smack myself as I forgot that humans eat food other than blood. I shake my head and look away the smell of the food making me feel sick. "No I am not hungry." I lie and Bella nods sitting down next to me. "Neither." She grins and I smile a little at her.

A few minutes later the cafeteria was almost full. About ten people sat around me and my leg was shaking under the table as I tried to act normal and not like I was about to rip all these peoples throats open. Thats when I smelt it. My head immediately tilted up as I sniffed the air my eyes widening in fear as I smelt a familiar smell I hadn't smelt in ages. It was sweet like candy yet burnt like a charred marshmallow. I immediately knew what it was.... Vampires.

I turn my head slowly looking around at everyone my eyes narrowed as I try to figure out were the scent was coming from. "Who are they?" I hear Bella ask her voice sounding dreamy and distracted. "Oh they are the Cullens." Mike answers brushing the question off before returning back to his conversation. I spin my head round quickly to see five people march in through the big double doors. I gulped nervously the smell of them overpowering as they walked past us to an empty table in the back. The first two walked by, a couple by the looks of them. The male was very tall. His build was big and muscular reminding me of a bear, his face set into a big mischievous grin as he walked by with his arm around a female who was quite short compared to the male. Her face set in a frown as she walked by. Her strawberry blond hair wavy and bouncy as she walks over and sits by her table. I watch as she looks at me curiously before turning away talking to the male beside her.

"That Rosalie and Emmet Cullen, they are dating if you couldn't tell but don't worry they aren't actually siblings they are all foster kids taken in by Carlisle and Esme Cullen at a young age or something like that," Jessica, Mikes friend says rolling her eyes her obvious dislike for them showing immensely. Then another male walks in. "Thats Jasper." Jessica says nastily watching him. I stare at him as he walks by the scent of him overpowering me once more. He glances at me and I look away quickly glancing back as he walks to the table. His hair was blond and curly and sat on the top of his head suiting him well. He wasn't as big as Emmet but was more skinny and gangly. His face was that of a statue and his eyes were big and filled with emotion. I watched him carefully wondering what he might be thinking but turn away as another Cullen walks through the door.

"Who is he?" Bella asks not taking her eyes off the male who walked in next.She didn't blink as he made his way to his table and I would've laughed if it weren't for the fact that he was a vampire. He was tall with thick brown hair and very very pale skin like snow. He too was skinny but his height made up for it. He didn't even glance our way as he quickly strode to the table and sat down next to his adoptive brothers and sisters. "That's Edward... the hottest of them all." Jessica said with a dreamy sigh. I don't say anything but watch as Bella glances at him over and over again, her face turning red as he looks at her curiously.

"Oh and that's Alice...she is the weird one," Jessica says rolling her eyes. I turn my head for the final time and my jaw drops a little as I see her walk in. I can't seem to take my eyes off her as she skips through the cafeteria. She was short, shorter than me anyway and had jet black hair cut into a cute pixie cut that suited her well. She looked like a fairy all fluttery and angelic as she walked over to Edward and sat down beside him.Her smile lit up the room as she happily began chatting to everyone at her table. Her face was set in a smile and I was entranced as I watched her laugh, a twinkly sound that reminded me of happiness... something I hadn't had since I was human. I watch them nervously not being able to tear my eyes away from Alice when Jasper whispers something to her and she looks over to me smiling. I immediately glance away and gulp nervously as I had never seen so many vampires in one place and I had a feeling they knew about me...

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