Chapter 7

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I trace my finger around the detailed patterns of the tree and think about my response to Alice's question. "I can't remember." I lie looking back at the sunset. Alice's eyes skim my face looking for any signs of dishonesty. "Mmm..." She replies unconvinced.

"Alice..." I say out of the blue. Alice's face turns towards me concerned and I lock eyes with her feeling comfortable. Alices face shines in the moonlight and her hair shines in the brightness making me feel safe. "Yes." Her eyes go big as she shows interest in what I was going to say next. "I do trust you Alice," I whisper my eyes meeting hers in the moonlight. Her smile grows and she turns her whole body to face me. "I trust you too."

"Can we go home?" Alice asks standing up her feet perched perfectly on the branch so she doesn't fall off. I debate going back for a few seconds before nodding and taking her outstretched hand in mine. As I stand I don't let go of her hand as we jump to the grass together. "Your very brave Skye." Alice says her voice soft and quiet in the silence of the forest. I smile a little at her words and let go of her hand before running into the forest towards the Cullens house. "You coming?" I yell behind me as I run to the darkness.

My hair flows behind me and my feet skim the ground as I reach the Cullens house. As I pause outside the house the awkward and out of place feeling fills me once more. "Come on everyone will want to know if your ok." Alice whispers over my shoulder making me spin around to see her. Alice laughs her magical sound making me feel warm inside which isn't normal for a cold monster like me.

I feel my cheekbones turn upwards smiling at her as she holds my hand and pulls me into the house. " Skye are you ok?" Carlisle asks frowning as Alice drops my hand and goes to stand by the window. I nod and look at everyone. Everyone except Edward. I feel relieved as I realise he wouldn't be able to see what I saw... not right now at least.

~The next morning~

"Thank you for your hospitality Carlisle... I hope I will see you again at some point." I smile as I begin to follow Alice towards the car. "Don't be silly Skye you are staying with us now... your part of our family now." Esme responds before Carlisle can even open his mouth. Carlisle nods and smiles at me.

Family... something I hadn't had since I was human. If my heart was beating it would definitely be beating twice as fast now. "You coming Skye?" Alices voice rings out interrupting my thoughts. "Uh yeh I am sorry." I apologise moving towards the car once more. I frown looking around as none of the other Cullens seem to be here. "They decided to run this morning." Alice says as if reading my mind. I nod and get into the passenger seat as Alice gets into the front.

The car was modern and new... something I definitely couldn't afford let alone need. As Alice revs up the engine I grip the seat nervously making Alice laugh a little. "What... you afraid of dying again?" She chuckles. I look at her seeing a completely different side of her than what I had before... she was fierce and dangerous and a complete risk taker. She was amazing.

As we drive through the forest at top speed, the trees a blur as we speed past them Alice freezes, the car stopping as she slams on the breaks. Her eyes look numb and distant and her face in complete shock. Her hands were shaking and I felt unsure of what to do.

"Alice?" I whisper lightly touching her hand. Alice's head snaps back to reality and she looks at me her face covered in fear. "Bella is in trouble." Is all she says as she frowns determinedly her foot pressing so hard on the gas I was surprised it didn't break.

I step out the car and close the door as we get to school my eyes stuck on the ambulance in the centre of the car park. Edward stood there grim next to Bella as she was lifted into the ambulance on a stretcher. Alice grabs my arm and pulls me over to Edward.

I smile at Bella who grins at me and waves. "What happened?" Alice asks Edward who doesn't take his eyes off the moving ambulance his eyebrows set in a frown. "Some car went off the road and almost hit her...luckily I stopped it and no one got hurt. But someone called the ambulance and they insisted Bella went to get a checkout." Edward growls his eyes following the ambulance around the road.

"Wait what do you mean you stopped it?" I ask my eyes widening. Edward slowly turns his head to me and he glares at me. "It's none of your business what I did." He says snidely looking me up and down in disgust. I look down at the road of the car park and feel my voice get stuck in my throat.

"Hey leave her alone Edward she hasn't done anything wrong... and yeh what did you mean by you stopped the car?" Alice snaps putting her hand on my back making my spine tingle. I look up through my eyelashes feeling a new feeling in my stomach as Alice sticks up for me.

I notice Edwards face softens as he looks at Alice a little... guiltily??

"I may have run to her side and put my hand out stopping the car... And I may have been standing at the other side of the car park. But don't worry I just said Bella hit her head when she was surprised and stuff." Edward spills not looking ashamed in the slightest.

Alice and I exchange glances and I bite my lip frowning hard as I wonder what this could need mean for the rest of us....

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