Chapter 6

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"Skye follow me and I will show you around if you want." Alice chimes in beginning to walk up the marble steps. Carlisle gestures me to follow her and I slowly make my way over to her my feet thumping against the marble. Alice grins daintily and prances up the stairs her feet hardly touching the steps. My eyes stay glued to her as my feet stop at the top of the stairs. "So which one is your room?" I ask turning on the spot as I examine upstairs. 

The hallway floor was covered in a grey carpet and there was about 3 different rooms each one completely different to the others. My eyes drift to one with fairy lights littered on the roof and the vines flowing down the walls. "Is this yours?" I ask making my way towards the fairy-like room. 

As I go to step foot in the room Alice speeds in and stands like a starfish in the doorway blocking me from entering. I frown and tilt my head confused as to why she isn't letting me in her room. "Sorry... It's just um messy." Alice lies her perfect smile turning into a frown. My confidence dims as I realise she doesn't trust me. I turn away from Alice beginning to get the awkward feeling in my stomach once again as I make my way back down the hallway and down the stairs desperate to get away. 

I flinch as a hand grasps my shoulders. I growl at the sudden contact my old trauma coming back to me. I turn around my teeth baring but I stop as I see Alice's eyes go wide. My lips fall back over my teeth and I look away feeling guilty. "Sorry." I whisper wishing that the ground would just swallow me whole. "Its ok...its my fault really I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that." Alice's tinkly voice replies guiltily. 

I lock eyes with Alice for a second her honey eyes soft and caring as she gazes into my own amber coloured eyes. After a few seconds I turn away my heels spinning on the carpet and I head back downstairs my head pleading me to just run and leave these vampires behind... but I just couldn't.

My brain spins as I walk down the stairs and my ears pick up Alice following me trying to talk and apologise but I ignore her the feeling of not belonging washing over me. As I step onto the wooden floors I suddenly freeze my vision going black. My knees hit the floor and I hear Alice run over to me. 

Alice had made contact with me meaning I had mimicked her skill. 

Bright colours flash before my eyes and I see myself and Alice and the rest of the Cullens plus Bella for some reason laughing together. More visions fly through my head making me dizzy. Alice throwing a baseball towards me as the Cullen's and I play baseball together while Bella stands next to Edward smiling. Alice and I running through through the forest together and stopping close together before letting our lips touch. 

But just as quickly as the visions started they stopped and the world came back into view once more. My head spins around in confusion as I see the Cullen's worried faces watching me.Alice's face slick with worry as she stares at me. The vision of us kissing pops back into my head and I begin to panic. I slowly stand up from my place on the floor and excuse myself before running outside into the forest. My ears pick up the Cullens worried voices, my brain differentiating each voice as they all talk in distress about what just happened. 

My feet fly faster than ever through the forest my brain not wanting to contemplate what just happened and what I just saw...especially what I saw about Alice. I stop in front of a huge tree and look up admiring the large thick branches growing out the trunk. My knees bend and I fly through the air landing perfectly on one of the branches high up in the sky. I sit down hugging my knees to my chest and look out at the fast setting horizon my mind repeating the image of Alice and I. 

As the sun sets the sky begins to turn golden reminding me of Alice's angelic eyes. "I hate being a vampire." I whisper to myself looking away from the quickly setting sun knowing if I was human tears would be running down my cheeks right now. My head sits in my arms as the darkness falls over the forest silencing the chirping birds and the sounds of the other animals moving around begin to die. The only noise I could hear was the bubbling of the river flowing through the middle of the forest. "So why do you hater being a vampire so much?" I snap my head around my stance changing from comfortable to fighting as I smell the sweet scent of another vampire. My stance relaxes a little as the smell becomes familiar. 

"Alice?" I ask sitting back down with my head in my hands. In one swift movement Alice lands beside me her hair flowing in the breeze and her golden eyes flickering in between honey and black. "Tell me... why do you hate being a vampire?" She repeats as she walks along the tree branch her feet pointed as she balances on the thin strands of wood growing out the sides of the tree. 

My eyes follow her completely mesmerised at how graceful and majestic she looked in the slowly darkening forest. Alice's head whips around to me again. "So you going to answer me or just sit there in silence?" She asks her voice echoing around the empty trees. "Life if that's what you want to call it is lonely... I don't have anyone or anything apart from myself. I just want to be human but I can' life as a human is finished." I whisper looking at the sunset and resting my chin on my hands. 

Alice's eyebrows furrow as she sits next to me. Her hand falls on mine making my eyes interlock with hers. "Being a vampire isn't all bad... Skye you have us now... you have me. And when you do come to trust us you will realise that being a vampire isn't as bad as you think." Alice replies her voice making me smile as the sound rings through my ears.

I nod my head at her words and don't say anything watching her... the image of us in the forest permanently in my brain as Alice sits there looking out into the horizon. "Do you want to talk about what you saw?" Alice asks gently turning back to me a smile taking place where her frown used to be. 

Being around Alice felt easy, like I didn't have to try to be anything but myself around her. She was kind and caring and everything about her was gentle and sweet like candy. She made me feel things I hadn't felt in a long time... and I don't know how I felt about that.

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