Chapter 9

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Skye POV

"You know what maybe you should just drop me off here please." I ask Mike as we get closer to the beach. What Alice said about the werewolves had been replaying in my mind for ages. Mike just nods his head and stops the car. "I'll text you later Bella," I say hugging her as I leave. Bella just nods giving me the "are you ok" look. 

As the mini van drives off into the distance I realise how dumb I was ignoring Alice's warning, she was just trying to help me and of course like normal I pushed her away. My feelings for Alice were getting a lot more confusing. I begin to run through the woods at super human speed loving the feeling of the wind in my face and the grass under my toes as I head to The Cullens house. 

I have to apologise to Alice.

"Hey Esme," I smile as I walk through the door. Esme grins from her spot on the couch. "I take it you didn't end up going to La Push." She says she grin faltering a little. "Alice told me about it." She says. "She actually went to go see if you were ok along with Emmet and Carlisle and Jasper, I was going to go but Alice told me to stay just in case you come home." Esme says. 'She really cares about you Alice does." She finishes. "Oh well thank you," I reply biting my lip nervously as I realise that Alice could be in danger. "I will be home soon," I say hurriedly as I walk out the door once more.

I run even faster to try and find Alice. Mid run my nose picks up the scent of a wet dog and I halt nervously. Twigs snap around me and I spin picking up multiple aromas of dog. "Oh shit," I whisper to no one in particular as a huge brown wolf walks into the clearing. Close behind six other wolves all different colours but all about the same size as a horse. The brown wolf snarls showing off his massive canine teeth. My jaw trembles and I look around for anywhere to go but I find none.

Its common sense for any vampire not to go near werewolves as they are mortal enemies and will most likely kill you but what could I do now??

The silence is deafening as I don't dare make a sound because setting of the wolves would mean certain death. My brain ticks as I try to think of an escape plan but my mind was empty. This is the end...

I search for a tree or something that I could leap to but the tallest tree was about Alice's height and well I have a feeling the wolves can jump higher than that. I have to try. I slowly take a step backwards watching carefully as the wolves ears prick forwards and they begin to growl. The grass under my feet was soft and cold meaning it might slippery but I would have to take my chances.

I take another step backwards and that set them off. The brown wolf charged at me making me turn and run faster than I ever have before. My enjoyment had worn off as I jump over boulders and avoid low branches. My feet were barely touching the floor as I leaped and bounded off the sides of trees with the wolves not far behind smashing through branches and jumping over trees. 

The brown wolf was the fastest almost catching my shirt between his jaws time and time again. His claws swiped at me as he jumped over my head landing on the other side of me. I stopped and turned around ready to run again but a huge black wolf was blocking my way. I turned once again to find another wolf and another wolf. 

They all began to growl and slowly stalk towards me. I trip over a broken branch and scramble backwards on my hands and butt. The black wolf crouches ready to lunge and I close my eyes. But nothing happens...

I open my eyes to see Carlisle standing in front of me his arms out straight stopping the wolves from attacking. "SHE IS WITH US STOP, SAM STOP THIS MADNESS," Carlisle yells. Emmet stands next to him growling at the big brown wolf. Jasper on the other side his head held high. I look around for Alice and find her standing right next to me her icy glare set on the wolves. 

From my place on the ground I look up at Alice's face in complete awe of her fierceness. Her hand rests on my leg as she protects me. "Touch her and I will rip all of your heads off." Alice yells making Carlisle raise his eyebrows. The wolves look at each other and one by one turn around walking back into the deep of the forest. As the brown wolf leaves he gives us one last growl before he runs of with the others. 

For the first time in years I felt safe and protected. 

"Your safe now," Alice says helping me to my feet. I nod and look at her for a second before wrapping my hands around her neck and hugging her. "Thank you." I whisper. Alice doesn't reply wrapping her arms around my back and pulling me tighter. 

"Lets go home now." Carlisle says gently patting my back. I pull back from Alice but our hands stay connected our fingers intertwined. Alice's eyes meet my own and I feel sparks fly through the air. "Let's go home," 

"Are you sure your not hungry." Alice asks as we walk through the door. I nod my head and sit on the couch still a little shaken about what happened. My hand releases from Alice's making it feel weird and cold. I stand up once again head to my room. Carlisle, Esme, Alice,Jasper,Rosalie and Emmet all follow. "Skye... I heard what happened are you ok?" Rosalie asks her normal face of anger turned into one of concern. I nod not looking anyone in the eye. "Can I please just be left alone. " I ask. Everyone nods.

As they all begin to file out I grab Alice's hand. "Could you maybe stay?"I ask nervously. She nods smiling and sits on the couch next to me. "That was scary.Even for me,"Alice said my hand still on hers. "I really thought I was going to die... for a second time," I chuckle. "Um can I ask you a question... and if don't be afraid to not answer, but how did you die the first time." She asks her eyebrows furrowing which I thought was adorable.

"Well um ok..." I begin looking into Alice's golden honey eyes. "It was around 1920 and I was 18 years old. My parents were rich and wealthy and I got everything I wanted. We lived in a palace with maids and chefs and butlers. And my parents had arranged for me to marry another wealthy families son. But I was in love with someone else." I stopped for a minute to see Alice's reaction. Alice was entranced with my story her mouth already dropped open and her face filled with sorrow. "I was in love with someone my parents would never approve of, in fact no one would ever approve of them especially not at that time. My parents didn't ever really love me they just cared about there status and what they looked like, so when I told them about my love they banished me. They had my love killed and I was left on the streets broken and alone. So I tried to kill myself." I paused looking down at the couch. 

"Skye... I am so sorry," Alice says her hand tilting my chin up to look at her. "Someone from the Volturi found me and saved me." "I worked with them for about 30 years before I left," I finish. Alice looks at me in awe. "Skye, I never knew I am so so sorry... But can I ask one question." She asks tilting her head a little. I nod still not brave enough to make eye contact with her. "Who was your love what was his name." She asks.

I look at her and scan her face for any hint of disgust or anything of the sort but find only kindness and sorrow. "HER name... was Jane, she was the maid at my palace." I whisper. Alice's eyes widen even more. "Her?" Alice smiles. I nod. "Yep her." I reply with nervously. "Cool," Alice smiles. "Thank you for sharing that with me." She say softly and it's my turn to smile as her pixie cut flows in the wind. 

"Skye do you want to come to a baseball game this weekend with everyone. I mean someone probably would've invited you but I wanted to so." Alice chuckles. "There's a storm coming up and we can only play in a storm because well lets just say when we hit the ball with the bat we literally shake the ground." She stands up and looks at me for a second as it contemplating something. As I go to ask what she is doing she kisses my cheek and quickly walks out the room.

I sit there my eyes wide and a smile creeping onto my face. I knew in that moment that I was in love with Alice Cullen... and that thought scared the heck out of me.

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