Poem -Thoughts and life

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The light fades out of the room

I don't know what to do

Reading is easy but what about writing?

confusion is my mood.

Shoes lay beside my bed

they are brand new, but it raining outside 

I don't feel like using them yet.

A dog full of energy lays beside me

I feel more relaxed and way more happy.

It all comes back to me.

Emotions and memories. Thoughts and sayings. Just a complex as a drawing but as plain as a canvas. Just lay down and clear mind. and enjoy the beauty of the world and the outside.

Electronics are they good or bad?

they make life easier but focusing harder.

it's just a mixed-matched bowl.

It makes life so complex but full, you know?

Mind full of these thoughts.

Everyones heard before.

Headaches more common and working  a lot

I need to sleep more.

Sometimes I just wanna go outside and look

into the sky and forest and mountains. 

feeling the breeze in my soul

and the grass on my feet.

My dog barking and pulling me down the street. 

Just Me, the world in calm and peace.

Look up,

And then the sun will make me go right back to sleep.

These thoughts are what make me.

A few words, and some story's too.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz