I think I'm doing fine-letter

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Hello, I haven't written in a while. Do you remember me? Well I'm _____. I have been in a deep ocean with fishnets trapping me here. It's been horrible. I was distracted, disorganized, and I was  isolating myself from others. My grades dropped a ton and the special word "Love" has been hard too. I think I wasn't clear enough with my feelings. I wanted to say I care for you as a friend, I don't like you that way nor will ever love you. Though that would have come out a bit harsh. My mind was making me paranoid. Like everyone knew and everyone was watching, waiting. It was driving me insane to the point where I would spend every second panicked but never moving. In present time, I am working hard. I will get everything done on time, I will tell him the truth. I will say no. I will join clubs and enjoy my last year here.  It's a improvement but I'm not done yet. I haven't proved my parents I'm worthy. And until then I will keep working hard. I'm working for that perfect record. At least this will ease my worries. 

Write to you soon, Old friend-

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