Finally, Summer.

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It's 4:35 AM, so no rushing for work.  No rushing for late assignments you forgot to do. Only thing is to be happy. Doing what I want and doing it with a clear mind. No more stress that the school year brings. This year is going to be special. High school's a pretty big thing. I hope I'm ready for when it's time to stand up but in the meantime, Let's have fun! Time for exploring and traveling! Europe here I come!! Berlin, check! Frankfurt, check! Paris? check! Czech Republic? Hell yea. It's summer baby and I'm not wasting a single second. I'm gonna read the entire library and see everything! I am finally done with the constant fear of grades and school. Finally freedom at last!


Hey, hope y'all are doing alright. Have a great day and don't forget you need breaks!

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