Happy Valentines!

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I'm happy, truly happy for the cloudy sky means of sleep and time of board games. No worries left as I have everything under control. I believe I can do it and I will. On a different page, Valentine's Day is coming up. And love letters and text messages are floating around. Love is being confessed. Take a moment to look into a book you haven't read before. The one everyone loves but the cover scares you. You don't want to waste your time and hate it but you want to feel and see what it's like.  This famous book is different every time. It teaches you about yourself and how you see the world. On this special day, people open books and books are closed at the same time. Ready for new challenges? Good because book is called love. And love is always there, in friends, family and the lover themselves. Get ready to receive the biggest hug of your life. We care about you. You are a star, a star that shines with others by their side. A star is a star, yes but won't ever be as beautiful as the galaxy full of them. We love you, and I hope your loved. "You shine brighter when your with the people you love".  Happy Valentines! Early Valentines and Late Valentines.  Hopefully your day shines as much as you do. 

From Cloudy.

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