A quick dance for the photographer.

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Giant doors open. Very loudly, revealing the guests of honor. They looked wonderful and beautiful. As to be expected of the royal family. The queen wore her finest jewelry and a long purple gown, that dragged a bit on the ground. A brunette with green eyes. The king looked as if he were a sculpture of stone or ice. Wearing his military uniform from his days in the field. Blond with grey eyes. The oldest child, he was handsome and so was the third child. He wore his best suit as well. They both had green eyes with black hair. The princess, second child of the family wore her pink and blue gown with little flowers and pearls imbedded in them. She was a brunette with grey eyes. Well, to be expect to dress this nicely for there long friend's ceremony. I sat near the stage with a camera trying to capture it all, though it took way to long! The photo could only come out in black in white and they would not stay still! But that's just me complaining. It was the noble family:the Phillips. They were a normal noble family but one of them has acquaintances with the king so here we are. I don't remember what they looked liked. And here I am. I was hired to take the photos for the newspapers and had nothing else to do. And it's not like I find a date from any of the nice ladies or guys here, I'm just a background character today for the important people. And that's fine. I can wait.

A couple hours later of boring chatter and lectures of the king and noblemen. Just wasting time. Though might as well enjoy it as well. I leave the camera unattended for a bit, nothing will happen to it. I move over to the dining table. It was a buffet of delicious cakes and pastries and drinks and tons of foood! How come I didn't notice this before! I don't stuff my face but you could tell I was enjoying it. I grab a drink and woah, now that's not water. I start to waft and wiggle a bit as I lose my balance a bit. But I am fine. I move towards the dancing circle as my ear pick up on the music suddenly filling the ballroom. They were doing a classical dance, not the waltz but still classical. The children of the royal and noble family's were dancing as well. They looked so graceful. And I had to break that peace by walking up to the oldest child and grabbing him by the hand to dance. Yea I'm embarrassed now when I look back. I remember looking at his face with pure innocence and just said "heyyy wanna dance? It's really funnn. Come on!" His face was surprised and if I can say shooketh. Into the dance circle I grabbed his hands and made him dance. We spined round and round, I think my shoe fell out at one point but I didn't care. I think he gave up in refusing cause I think he started to loosen up and started to dance with me. Not being dragged around. It was pure bliss. It was the most fun I had in a while. He even started to challenge me in leading the dance, he thought I wouldn't fight back. Ha! He was wrong and it was great.

After the final dance ended, my brain had just exited its fuzzy feeling and returned to the reality. Oh shii, I think I messed up. The crowd had cheered when it was over and now here comes the gossip. I was planing on apologizing to him but the daughter of the Phillips came up to me. She dragged me to the side. "Hey what was that? I mean, you just interrupted the dance and just talked to the third child. Who do you think you are?" Now I think I crossed the line. Oh I'm sorry I was just— "No I think you just forgot the fact that this is our palace, our ballroom and you are not royalty nor noble. So it would be really nice if you could back off." Calm down Jamal don't pull out the nine! I said in my head. I had to remember I was in public. I bowed and ran off. I know not the most polite and respectful way to say stfu but like she's a noble!

Third Child POV

Well that was something. This day was normal. I had to go to a lecture by my personal tutor. It was about geometry. Then I had to practice manners and equestrian activities. Riding Celebrity was fun. To end the day off with meeting my future fiancé's family, a ceremony of some sort. My father was the most sociable so he chatted with the other guests and with his good friend Raul. I stood in the corner near where Stella the daughter of the Phillips was. I had to get used to being around her even if she wasn't my type. I took a glass of soft not too sweet wine and started to drink sips. Everyone looked like they were having fun. Hm. I put my glass away. And then my hand was tugged by a girl. She had a white plaided shirt and some trousers, with the black shoes. She looked a little tipsy. She talked a bit blurred and then yanked me into the circle of people. I looked around nervously. What is she doing? And then I was suddenly dancing. She looked like she was having fun, hmm. I may have forgotten who I was for a bit and started to dance too. Good thing I learned. I was now really getting into the music, so I wanted to lead. Feisty, sheesh. Though she would not let go it was nice. As the music sped up to do turns, bows, spins, dips. I stared into her eyes a bit, they were pretty like chocolate and amber. She was smiling like she just won the lottery. I need my sunglasses, I started to smile too. The song came to an end and she walked off. Before I could say anything by brother and his friends called me for something. I hope to chat with her later.

1st person/3rd person

I headed towards the camera I abandoned for 5 hours. Thank goodness nothing happened to it. Just when I arrived back, the person who hired me called me over. An actual photo shoot was going to happen, yes! I packed the camera and we all moved into their gardens. The gardens had multiple different flowers and a few lakes in between. Viele schön!

They set up and then we started. First we were to shoot fotos of the children then adults then family by family. Then ending it off with both family's in one photo. Everything went smoothly though third child kept looking at the background instead of the camera so she had to remind him. Then he kept staring at her when he recognized her. Break! Her blushed a bit when looking at the photos she took. They all looked so beautiful and handsome. They thanked her and walked back inside, but the third child stayed a bit longer. He wanted to talk with her more. And so he did. Hello again, He started.

And started he knew that is wouldn't be the last he would hear from her. They talked about random stuff, the sky, the grass, and maybe some deep thoughts too. Though time was almost up. The family's were starting to call him back and the other was needing to pack up. for her purpose had been for filled, she could leave. And said bye! as she left. Today had been a interesting and fun day, the both of them thought. Though it wouldn't be the last for fate had a different start.

The End.

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