Don't worry little fox-

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Don't worry little fox, you are safe here. In the sun, by the river, as the mid day shines on the meadow. With the little stones you jump on your way and the temporary rain that comes ever now and then. That greets the blue sky filled with puffy clouds. Making all types of shapes and forms, like little mice and leaves. And a few berry bushes and trees to not keep you hungry. And the burrow you go to hide from winter, for the food you harvest, as we do our own. Your pelt shines in the sun and after rain; it glows. And you curious creature who adventures into the wrong lands, be careful. You don't want to fall into the wrong hands. For the dessert has no place for the shiny and dry. And the city has no berry trees; they have all been cut down. To make the houses in town. They will only use you for your pelt and your mind. Your color and your smile. Stay in the meadow and forests where we can protect you. The trees, here for shade and comfort. As also homes to others, who may be friends. May be not but don't let that drag you in the dirt. Cause dirt hides soil, who hides life. It all spins in Harmony, like the song the wind sings during the day, and the harsh warnings in the night. Though you stray form your journey, you may stay. Stay for a bit, as you dry off. It's storming outside. In our little house in the woods. Where no light comes involuntarily. But no need to worry there is a way home, into the meadows you know. The little path by the frogs and the stones by the two legs will lead you to your home. Safe travels my friend hope to see you again. What a soft fox you are, go on we will stay here. Where we know best, for better or for worst.

Good evening.

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