No more hope

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No more hope. This oceans too deep. And I dug it myself. I think I might just accept it, that I'm failing life. Maybe if I just accept that I'm not ready. Maybe if I just start caring. Maybe if I stop smiling, everything's fine. I don't need help in anything. I am completely capable of doing this myself and "now a days" everything's easy. Maybe cause it's easy, it's hard. It's hard for me to focus. To do something simple and complete it all at once. Nah, too hard. For your mind fades into something you'd rather do. So yea I'm failing but that's just something I have to do. 

No more hoping just start doing. 

Says the person at the top of their class, at top of their hierarchy. To everyone else even we. 

Stop hopping for a solution if your not moving forward to get that solution. 

No more hoping, JUST START DOING. 

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