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In the last chapter something really (data erased) happened, Koishi went (data erased) she (data erased) in the school. After all the only thing you remember is that you were hit by (data erased) and somehow you woke up again in your house...Looks like the class is over, now it's time to somehow "Break the fourth wall" and investigate about Koishi



YOU:" *yawn* uh ahhh..." wha...what happened?! And why am i back in my house?

???:"hello N/N~"


???:"*sigh* here we go again"

The strange girl showed you some videos, photos, and notes made by yourself. Also she told you everything about what happened in the last night and in the morning

YOU:"ok, Koishi...but what happened to me now? I'm back at home and ugh!!!..." (UH OH...LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE WOUNDS) i tried to stand up from the bed, but then i felt a HUGE pain..."argh!..."

KOISHI:"N/N! Please don't stand up!"

YOU:"ok...*sigh*...ok, i feel good again... what happened to me now?"

KOISHI:looks like he doesn't remember he was beated by those damn bad guys! The plan is going just as i expected! "Well,you see...i went to school with you, and we had a very funny class! I introduced myself to your classmates and i told them that i am your roommate!"

YOU:"can you tell me why did you say that? Because you are not my roommate..."

KOISHI:w-why? Why did he say that? He doesn't like me? But why is he so kind with me?

YOU:"You are more than that for me!..."

KOISHI:i blushed a bit "r-really?!"

YOU:"of course!, You are my best friend!"

KOISHI:"Ooh...YAAAAAY!!! WE ARE FRIENDS!!!" I was so happy to hear that! He really likes me!

YOU:"looks like you are quite enthusiastic, aren't you?"

KOISHI:" *giggles* for sure!"

YOU:" that's the spirit! Always being happy, i love the way you are Koishi!"

KOISHI:"Thanks N/N! I also like you too!"

YOU: "*BLUSHES*...thanks! Koishi..." Does that mean what i think it means? (Maybe yes, maybe not, but you are not an anime protagonist to not understand a girl's signs of...well ya' know) but we are only friends at this point...mmmmh...yeah i think is not what it seems she was just being kind with me. "Ok but back to the Main conversation, what happened to me now?"

KOISHI:oh no...i can't distract him any longer...let's see, mmmm, i've got an idea!. "Well...we we're walking through the halls in school, but you suddenly slipped and fell into the stairs!, But don't worry i was there to PROTECT You! After that you were unconscious, so i took You back here to heal your wounds"

YOU:"You did all that for me? Well then thanks a lot, You surely are a good friend!"

KOISHI:"*giggles*, thanks N/N-kun, you are very kind with me! This is the least i can do for you~"

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