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Selene and Bery are special to Krische.
This is why Krische paid extra attention to Bery.

Bery smiled and appeased Bogan’s concerns, she appeared to enjoy their meal and they bathed together like usual, but Bery seemed a little different from normal.
Krische thought about the reason and the more she thought about it, the more unpleasant she felt.
――let’s kill him.
It did not take long for her to come to that decision.

Krische feels nothing about killing people.
Killing people and plucking fruits are the same for her.
She will pluck a fruit if she is hungry and she will kill if the person is unpleasant.

After coming to the estate, Krische has always been in a good mood because of Bery.
That toned down her abnormality, but her true nature has not changed.
She is still abnormal.

Bery is important to Krische.
Anything that is unpleasant to Bery is also extremely unpleasant for Krische and she did not hesitate to start making plans.
Krische ’empathised’ with Bery in her own way and that resulted in this decision.

Krische was able to infer a little about that man based on Bery’s story in the carriage.
It is just a vague guess that he is someone that did horrible things to Bery in the past, but that is enough.
Krische did not mind it much when she heard Bery’s story at first since it is a thing of the past. But since he showed up before them and and is causing Bery distress, it would be better to kill him.
Krische’s thinking is simple.

But then, Bery is a problem.
Bery is always by Krische’s side, even when sleeping.
This is because Krische wished for it and it makes her very happy, but it is a problem today.

In the end, Krische had to wait for Bery to fall asleep.

Krische desperately fought the usual sleepiness brought on by Bery’s warmth――and slipped out of bed.
Krische took care not to wake Bery and turned to stare at her beautiful sleeping face for a while, resisting the usual urge to kiss her.
Krische breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Bery is deep asleep, then quietly put on her cloak inside-out and pulled up the hood, hiding her thin pink negligee.
The cloak has silver embroidery and the Christand crest on the chest, but it is made of many layers of cloth and when turned inside-out, it becomes pitch-black.

Their room is narrow, half of a room that was refurbished into two rooms.
Rooms like this are common in the estate due to number of visiting nobles. Due to this layout, Selene’s room is accessible from their balcony.
The weather is good. The bright moonlight will be a problem though.
Krische judged that it should be fine with the cloak and planned to travel along the roofs.

Krische ignored her curved sword and drew her knife.
This is so that Bery does not notice even if she wakes up.
Krische planned to finish this quickly, fast enough that she could say she just went outside for a breath of fresh air.

According to Bogan, Roland just happened to be visiting this town and came to give his regards to the noble in charge here.
Krische had also heard Bogan mention that Roland is staying at a nearby inn.
Luckily, there is only one high-class inn nearby.
No need to spend time searching.
Even if Krische cannot find him, she can just grab a person or two and torture them.

Let’s go


But Krische glanced at Bery, then looked away.

――will she really stay asleep?
If Bery woke up right after Krische left, Krische would not be able to explain herself.

Bery will be angry if she finds out, what if she hates Krische because of this? The unease grew in Krische’s heart.
This emotion is a recent discovery for Krische.
Bery is kind and soft on Krische.
As Krische grew more dependent on Bery, even the smallest things makes her uneasy.
Since her dependence is the cause, Krische had thought about fixing it a few times, but Bery is so kind and hard to distance.
Krische did not want to lose this feeling of comfort and her dependence grew as she mulled over this.
The stronger her dependence grew, the stronger her unease over being hated by Bery became.

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