Happy Birthday Diane!!!!!

14 4 13


Glastonbury, Connecticut


Diane: Oh my gosh, thank you! You guys are so sweet!

Me: Of course, babe! How old are you, now?

Diane: 37!

SkittishReflections: That's just superb, babe!! Enjoy your birthday! May you have many many more!

Diane: *smiles*

Alan: Here comes our food!

Bebe: Am I starving!

Jean The Waitress: *serves Diane first, cause of her birthday* Here ya go, honey!

Diane: Thanks! *eats her cheese pizza*

Me: *getting served second*

SkittishReflections: *getting served third* Wow, what a meal!

Shawn: This place has good food!

Steven: Ma'am, serve me next please! I don't want to be served last!

Tyrone: *getting served*  It's now down to Regina and Steven!

Steven: Ma'am! Serve me next, please!

Regina: *getting served, making Steven last*

Steven: Unbelievable! *getting served last*

Jean The Waitress: Enjoy! *smiles*


Jean The Waitress: *ignores Steven, and serves some other customers*


Bebe: Steven, stop yelling! You're at a restaurant!

SkittishReflections: Steven, stop making a big deal out of it! Just eat your food!

Diane: Yeah! It's my birthday, and you're not gonna ruin it for me!

Steven: It's not fair! I told the waitress not to serve me last!

Me: Steven, chill out! It's not a big deal! *eating my cheese pizza*

Steven: *upset that he got served last, that he puts his head down*

SkittishReflections: Steven, keep your head up, please. Eat.

Steven: *head still down* I'm not hungry.

Shawn: You're acting like a 5 year old. Grow up.

Steven: *head still down*

SkittishReflections: You want to go home, Steven? If you want to behave this way, I'll take you home!

Steven: *head still down* I don't care.

SkittishReflections: Okay, wait for me outside.

Steven: *gets up, and pours his soda all over Diane*

Diane: Dude!!!! What's your problem?!

Steven: *storms out of Bertucci's*

SkittishReflections: I am so sorry, babe! *gets her food in a box* I'm gonna give Steven a spanking!

Diane: Good! He deserves it!

Shawn: He needs to stop!

Me: He does!

SkittishReflections: See ya, guys! I'm gonna spank Steven, then bring him home! I'll phone Trevor, so he can beat him up! He will get a double whammy!

Tyrone: Yep!

Steven: *outside in the parking lot*

SkittishReflections: *marches outside and spanks Steven on his butt* DON'T YOU EVER POUR YOUR SODA ON DIANE AGAIN!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!

Steven: Ow! That hurt!

SkittishReflections: Good! I'm calling Trevor, so he can beat you up!

Steven: No! Don't call Trevor! The spanking was bad enough!

SkittishReflections: I'm still gonna call him! Get in the car!

Steven: Wait, I'm hungry again! Can I go back inside and eat?

SkittishReflections: No! Diane is gonna have your food! Now, get in the car, before I spank you again!

Steven: *gets in the car*

SkittishReflections: *drives Steven back home to Thomas St in Middletown*

Diane: *eating a sweet dessert* Thanks again for the birthday wishes, babes! Love you all!

All Of Us: We love you too, Diane!

This story was written on Tuesday, April 20th, 2021.

A/N Happy Birthday, babe!!! Enjoy it! Sorry about what Steven did! He's a jerk! Man, am I stuffed!! Again, Happy 37th Birthday, babe! And from everyone else on Wattpad! We love you to the moon and back! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘😘 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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