Chapter 5

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A month later.

"Eeeh, really?" Feliciano said thoughtfully.

He was sitting by the dining room table in the East wing, swinging his feet impatiently. After doing his tasks he had been roaming the mansion, discovering weird portraits and rooms he had no idea what were for. It didn't take long before he got bored and ended up with the maids as they had dinner. Even though they were done eating and the table empty, he stayed around to talk to Elizabeta and another maid by the name of Marie. 

"It's usually like that now that we're officially in the summer months" Elizabeta replied, fanning herself with her hand. 

"It feels like I've been almost everywhere in this mansion, it's so boooring" he whined, sinking down in his chair like a child. "At least he's returning by eight or something"

"Luckily he doesn't travel often, but it's true the Master often goes to Austria for a few days during this time of year. Must be weird for you, I mean you're around him constantly right?" Marie said, adding to the conversation. Her brown eyes looked golden in the sun.

"It's fine, I've gotten more time to be with you two. It's always nice to be surrounded by beautiful ladies" Feliciano stated, giving them a sweet smile. Marie adorned a small blush and Elizabeta laughed, giving him a soft punch.


"I know it bothers you more than you let on Feli" Elizabeta sighed, giving a sympathetic smile.

Feliciano gave her a pitiful look, rubbing his targeted arm. "He has been gone for uhh.. five days" he sighed after doing the math. He rested his chin on the table, looking at the fuzzy table cloth and the tiny crumbs that were left after dinner. If only time could pass by faster.

They continued some small talk between breaks, where they soaked in the little sunlight peering through the curtains. They all turned their heads when the all to familiar squeak came from the doors leading to the entrance.

"Feliciano, a phone call for you!!" a maid with short blonde hair shouted enthusiastically, immediatly gaining his attention. He saw the looks of his coworkers and felt equally clueless, but he excused himself from the table before following her out of the East dining hall. 

"A phone call for me? Are you sure?" he asked as he followed her out the door. 

"Yeah although I don't recognize the person, but they requested you" she said with a honest expression, seemingly as curious as him. 

They walked to the biggest office in the second floor West wing. Feliciano hadn't been there much himself but he assumed it was Ludwig's private one, as the largest office in the East wing was his brothers. The phone was laying off the hook and on the desk. She guided him in, stopping herself at the door. 

Before taking the phone he turned around looking at her. "Aren't you coming inside?" 

"Oh no no! I couldn't do that!" she gasped. 

"Wait why?" He didn't understand the issue. It was just a phonecall?

"We don't stay in this room when the Master has his conversations, plus there must be a reason they called this exact phone. All the phones in the mansion are connected, but we can always see which number they directed the call to" she explained with a smile. "So I will let you have this conversation in peace, I will go take care of the rest of the laundry now. See you later!"

He watched her leave as she mindfully closed the door, not averting his gaze until the clicking of her shoes went faint. His attention turned to the phone on the desk. Feliciano swallowed hard as he neared it, carefully taking it to his ears, hands shaking in the process.

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