🌧 oikawa + tsukishima x hinata 🌧

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hanahaki AU!

'I'm always holding onto that small, small hope, that he might like me back. It hurts so much, but if there was that slight chance of him liking me back, I was willing to wait.' Hinata thought to himself as he looked over the other side of the court, seeing the person he had an unrequited love for. 'But...I know. I deny it, but I know. That I'm not the one he loves, and I never will be.' He then looked over to the side and saw the spiky haired ace laughing along. 'He's the one he loves. Not me.'

Hinata doesn't know when it started, his unrequited love for a certain setter. Maybe it was during their first practice match together when the other had arrived fashionably late, or maybe it was the bright smile he had when they won Karasuno during their first ever official game. It could also be the way he put his all into the game, never being satisfied with losing and working so hard to be better, sometimes even overworking himself. Whatever it was, it had Hinata enamoured.

Oikawa then looked over to the doors of the gym, seeing Karasuno filing in and seeing Hinata. He grinned and waved, shouting out a 'Chibi-chan' in acknowledgement. Hinata took a deep breath and smiled back, jogging over towards the two.

"Hey short stuff, how's it been?" Iwaizumi smiled to Hinata and ruffled the smaller boy's hair, clearly familiar with him. Hinata looked up and greeted the two brightly. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't hate Iwaizumi, in fact, Iwaizumi was like an older brother to him. How could he ever hate him, who treated him so well with so much platonic affection. He did, however, found himself wanting to shove the taller ace to the floor at times. Just some times...or more.

"How was nationals?" Iwaizumi asked, slinging his arm over Oikawa's shoulder as he talked. Hinata had to suck in the petals he felt threatening to come out.

"It was fun! We played against some amazing schools like Inarizaki and Kamomedai! And I think I made friends with them, I think? I even got this cool ace shirt that Bokuto-san told me about!" Hinata showed them the shirt he was currently wearing, pointing at what it said. The two smiled in reply and continued chatting along with Hinata until Hinata felt a piercing pain in his lungs.

'Ugh, now?! Seriously?!' He thought as he quickly excused himself, saying his stomach was acting up as he ran to the nearest washroom he saw nearby when they were walking into the gym. Oikawa and Iwaizumi thought nothing of it and went to talking to Daichi instead, the two exchanging pleasantries.

Meanwhile, Hinata was in one of the cubicles coughing his lungs out into the toilet bowl. Some flower petals came out along with droplets of blood as he felt his head hurt. If you hadn't already known, you probably would've guessed it by now. Hinata has a disease called Hanahaki. The disease causes the victim of long-periods of extreme unrequited or one-sided love to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated. Usually it lasts from 2 weeks to 3 months, the final stage would be throwing up spider lilies and if you were left untreated after a week of them appearing, you could die from not being able to breathe. Hinata was a rare case however, as the disease had not yet reached it's final stage after months. There was a cure, either receive the love back, or get it surgically removed, which could lead the the victim losing memories and feelings for the person and not being able to love that same person ever again.

Hinata didn't want to stop loving Oikawa, he was hoping to receive the love back but at this point he knew, he couldn't but. But he wasn't ready to let go of this love just yet. The spider lilies still haven't appeared, so he would continue loving him in hopes of getting back the same amount of feelings and love.

He stoop up from where he knelt on the ground for the past minutes coughing up the flower petals, using his hand to wipe away the blood, hoping that it didn't drip and stain his shirt. He was a little unsteady, his arm propped against the walls of the cubicle as he tried to steady his breathing, his head still spinning. There were also other symptoms of Hanahaki such as nausea, headaches, etcetera.

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