🔪 yamaguchi x hinata pt.2 🔪

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"Wakey wakey~" Hinata grunted as he heard someone call out. He slowly gained consciousness but when he tried to move, he felt pain shoot from his ankles.

"O-Ow..." Hinata's voiced out in a choke. His throat was dry and he couldn't talk properly. He then remembered what happened and more tears leaked out.

"Aw baby, don't cry~ Let me help you sit up." Yamaguchi who was next to Hinata wrapped his hands around Hinata's body to help him sit up carefully before he passed Hinata a cup of water. 

It had been 2 months since he took Hinata away and killed away many of his team members. He kept Hinata in his attic with the windows and exits blocked out and the room sound proofed. Yamaguchi had killed his mother and placed the blame onto his father. It wasn't very hard since he knew that his mother was having an affair and his father was known as the cold businessman. 

Since his father was such a successful businessman, when he went to jail, all his assets went to Yamaguchi.

After he dragged Hinata to his home, he decided to hurt himself a little before he ran to the police to tell them how Asahi went psycho and started to hunt down the members of the volleyball club. It didn't help that he looked like a gangster with bad rumors circulating him, nor did it help that he had been jittery the past few days from the disappearances of his friends.

Nishinoya, Ennoshita and Kinoshita did not take the news well. All three had quit the volleyball club and Ennoshita even moved schools. Daichi and Kiyoko also changed after that day and the volleyball club was soon suspended.

Yamaguchi decided to move school as well so that he wouldn't have to act too depressed since it became such a big thing in not only Karasuno but the whole of Miyagi. He would of course keep to himself in school so that he didn't make himself look suspicious or put himself out there. He only ever looked forward to going home to see Hinata and take care of him.

"You know, I was so sad when you decided to try and escape yesterday. Do I not take good care of you?" Yamaguchi looked at Hinata, desperation in his eyes with a tint of psycho. "Maybe breaking your ankles isn't good enough..."

Hinata's eye widened and he shook his head, tears rolling down his cheeks yet again.

"No, no! I'll be good from now on, I swear."

Yamaguchi stared at Hinata for a while, contemplating a little before he shook his head.

"No, not good enough. I need to engrave it into you, you need to remember who you belong to." Hinata freaked out and struggled against the chains, ignoring the excruciating pain he felt from his broken and unmovable ankles.

"Please, please..." Hinata sobbed out.

"Don't worry baby, it's just a little pain, okay?" Yamaguchi cooed the boy and went up to him with a knife in hand. He took a cloth and stuffed it into Hinata's mouth. "You're gonna need this. Try not to squirm too much, if not it'll hurt more than it should."

Hinata figured that it was better to just listen to Yamaguchi so that he could quickly get it over with. And Yamaguchi knew that he was already broken and was slowly breaking more, listening to him more now.

He smirked and started to carve the kanji of his name onto Hinata's arm. Hinata screamed into the cloth and sobbed hard but tried his best to not move his arm so that it could just end quicker.


They were now in the bathroom, Yamaguchi tending to Hinata as he scrubbed every part of him clean. The pain on his arm and ankle was still prominent but was not as bad as it was days ago. It had been a month since he tried to escape and he had been listening to every one of Yamaguchi's whims.

He found that when he did, he wouldn't get hurt and Yamaguchi never crossed the line. He was starting to believe that this would be his life from now on and instead of struggling and going against his captor, he might as well listen and be obedient.

He thought that life wasn't so bad when Yamaguchi wasn't violent. He ate the foods that he liked, he would be bathed and taken care of with extreme care and he received the highest level of care from the greenette.

"Is this okay, baby?" Yamaguchi asked as he massaged the shampoo into Hinata's hair. Hinata only hummed and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of being pampered. Yamaguchi smiled and laughed internally.

'I guess all the torment and hypnosis has finally worked. Hinata...Hinata... you're never going to get away from me ever...'

He helped Hinata quickly wash off and dry up then picked out what he would wear. He carried the sleepy Hinata to the bed and got into the blanket next to him. Kissing Hinata on the forehead, he whispered a sultry goodnight and closed his eyes.

"I love you, Yama-chan..." Hinata thoughtlessly say before fading off into sleep. Yamaguchi smirked and pulled Hinata closer to him, looking down at his name that was carved into Hinata's arm.

The scar had turned red over time, a permanent red that would forever mark his name onto he beloved.

a/n - so i got a request to do a part two of this !! note that this will be the final part to this story so yeah !! anyways, if you guys want part 2 of the web cam one, please head over and comment on who should find out shoto-tan is hinata !! if i don't get any req by the next 3-5 day, ill prob jus make it kuro who found out and maybe make it a captain x hinata thing !! 

hinata x everyone (one shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang