🕸 halloween special 🕸

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"Chibi-chan~ You should dress as this." Oikawa pointed to the bunny girl costume option but his hand was smacked away by Kenma who scowled at the Seijoh Captain.

"No, Shouyo, that's too inappropriate. Why not we go for something to match like that one." Kenma pointed to a pair of outfits of characters in a game the two of them were currently invested in. Hinata smiled at the option and nodded, clicking on the outfit and placing it into the cart then let the others buy theirs.

Shiratorizawa volleyball club had invited the many teams around Japan that they were in good relations with to a halloween party next week. Seijoh and Karasuno, two of the many teams invited, decided to get costumes for those who didn't have one together so that the delivery fee would be lesser and Kenma who was sleeping over at Hinata's house joined them.

The outfit that Hinata and Kenma had chosen were a pair of characters featured called the Cheshire Cat and Alice. The Cheshire Cat wore and black and white checkered button up top with black pants and black boots. The pants were held up with a belt with chains on them as he wore a purple outerwear as well. The tail would be attatched to the outerwear while a separate cat ear headband would be provided.

Alice wore a white button up with a puffy baby blue shorts with white ruffles at the hem. It was matched by a outerwear in the same colour of the shorts and a pair of knee high black and white striped socks and black school like shoes. Alice would also always carry around a sling back that was circle in shape with a checkered baby blue, white and black pattern.

They decided not to get the wigs that were sold separately since the outfits already reached their budget.


"Hinata, don't you think those shorts are a little, I don't know, short?" Daichi asked as he eyed the boy in his costume. Hinata looked really good in his costume, that was true, but the more mature members were worried if the costume was going to attract too much attention.

"I mean, this is how they're supposed to look though...Do I look bad in it?" Hinata mumbled as he looked at his reflection in the tainted window of the bus.

"No no, you look fine. Why don't you head up to the bus first." Suga told Hinata and gave him a slight push towards the bus door. Hinata nodded and headed in with Yachi, conversing about how excited they were.

"Keep a lookout for anyone that might be eyeing Hinata today. I have a strong feeling his outfit will catch the eyes of many people, especially volleyball players." Suga told the team who all nodded before heading up as well.

(a/n - i'm really lazy to think up the costumes for every single person in this chapter so unless i state what they're wearing, their outfits are up to your imagination ;D)

The trip to Shiratorizawa was filled with excitement and loud chatter amongst each other. Many, if not all, were especially excited to spend the evening with Hinata but also dreaded having to keep him away from the other teams.

They soon arrived at the large school and were greeted by the Shiratorizawa volleyball team. They were all adorning their own amazing costumes and had welcomed the team with sweets and treats, being a little biased and handing Hinata a few extras.

The Karasuno team looked around in awe and excitement. The whole entrance was decked out in spooky and festive decorations and the inside of the school seemed to be abundantly decorated as well.

Hinata bounced at the sight and could bot wait to be able to enter and explore the school. The Shiratorizawa members greeted the Karasuno number 10 warmly and wanted to show the little boy around so that they could spend more time with him. However, they were reminded by their coach, Washijo, that they had to head back for their own halloween event.

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