Solving the problem

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"Holy shit, that really happened?" ikalgo asked staring at killua wide eye, walking with him to his school locker.

"Yes," Killua started saying putting his books in his locker. "All while your were taking your sweet ass time digesting" he says rolling his eyes.

"A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do" he says throwing his hands up in the air defensively. "I wouldn't have taken so long if those tacos just agreed with me and my stomach" he says holding his stomach.

"groosss" Killua laughs. "But no seriously what am i gonna do?" he says throwing his head back in frustration.

"About what?"

"Gon dude gon!"

"Oooooh" he says in a understanding tone.

Killua shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
"You know moments like this I question how we became friends, or why" Killua says putting his last book in his locker and shutting it closed, facing ikalgo.

"But you don't regret it" he says playfully elbowing Killua in his rib making a cheecky grin.

"I guess not" he says slightly chuckling. Ikalgo literally being the only one Killua can tolerate, pretty sad. But he doesn't give enough fucks to care.

"No really what am I actually gonna do, if I don't anything this can be my life for the remaining week,...or more" Killua shivers at the thought. "Having someone hit on me over and over again." he complains.

"I mean when you put it like that" ikalgo starts, it's doesn't sound THAT bad" he says shrugging his shoulders slowly , his voice trying to ease Killua.

"Why would I give my attention to someone I don't give two fucks about?" Killua asks narrowing his eyes at him.

"I- I don't know I just-" ikalgo starts. "Okay fine, tell him you don't speak that much English and boom, gon is to lazy to even attempt to learn a whole different Language" he says confidently.

"Ikalgo what the actual fuck." Killua says.

"Trust me, a thing you do and if gon is lazy about whatever your doing, you bet your sweet ass he won't participate or interact" ikalgo says knowingly.

"Yea well the response I gave him for teasing him in the gym locker room shows him I speak 101 % English" Killua states in a matter of fact tone. Ikalgo sighs in response.

"Well we can't dwell on him all day, I have football practice. And shit, do I not like seeing coach when he's angry about being late" ikalgo says blowing out his breath heavily, wiping some non existent sweat on his forehead.

Killua slumps against his locker. If the world gave him a chance for it to swallow him whole, hesitant won't even be in his dictionary, yes would be all in his mind. But unfortunately and dumbly the world doesn't work like that. 'Well damn, might as well get ready for-' that's it!

"That's it!" Killua yells a little to loudly facing ikalgo.

Ikalgo makes a confused face raising his eyebrow . "My coach being mad as hell?, if you want to make me late and you can see it for yourse-"

"No!No!,No," Killua interrupts before rolling his eyes at his best friend. "Your on your way to football practice right now right?" Killua asks.

"Yea, why?" Ikalgo answers.

"Well since you and gon are on the football team....maybe, I don't know...., you can talk to him?" killuas asks hopeful.

"Killua..." ikalgo sighs. "I don't know he's stubborn and-"

"Please!" Killua begs. "I really don't want to have to deal with a player more than how long the world is giving me" Killua whines shaking ikalgos shoulders.

Ikalgo looks at killua for a moment before he gives in "fiineee" he says sighing heavily.

"Thank youu!" Killua says jumping up and down, practically squeeling like some little girl who got exactly what they wanted for Christmas. Yes, he was that happy.

"Yea yea whatever" ikalgo dismisses waving his hand chuckling. "I just have some minutes lef- OH SHIT!!!" he jumps in place before taking off realizing he's late.

Killua laughs at his reaction. "Yea not the minutes you thought you had, huh?" He smirks at his friends losing his shit.

Ikalgo turns to face his friends running backwards. "It's not my fault time doesn't know how to take it slow!!" was the last thing he said before facing infront of him out the door slamming them open.

Killua just laughs. 'He's such a handful sometimes'. He thinks for a moment, "nah all the time" he mutters to himself walking out the door to head to his next class which he sees gon on his way to football practice.

He sees gon staring at him from the corner of his eye which Killua sticks his middle finger at him while walking past him not even giving him a single glance. He hears a few whistles behind him which he smirks at still not paying attention to gon or the whistles.

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