Its Over

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They all stand outside of Killua house. Cops cars surround killuas driveway. Noah handcuffed in the hands of one of the cops. Gon and his teammates standing a few feet away. Killua talking to one of the cops about all that happened with Noah, while showing him the bruises on his neck and wrists. All while the cop is writing down on a notepad of what killuas saying.

"We finally ended Killua suffering. Things will turn back to normal for him." Ikalgo says to gon while both of them looking at killua.

"Yea normal.." gon says lowly before putting his head down. Normal to him was what happened before Killua met Noah. Which was that they were ignoring eachother. Even though they talk to eachother, they haven't exactly defined what they are.

Ikalgo raises his eyebrows before understanding what gon was talking about. "While your guys weren't on speaking terms with eachother. Killau won't say it but I can definitely tell he missed you. A lot actually. He was pretty sad when he thought you weren't gonna help him since you didn't arrive with us. He understands your mad but maybe he did it for the safety of others, or even you. He told you the whole situation first, the number 1 highschool player. He trusts you.." ikalgo says looking at gon.

Gon gulps. He was right, absolutely right. Killua didn't have to tell him anything when gon asked him to. They weren't on good terms anyways, but Killua still trusted him and told him. He didn't think about getting caught from Noah, he just needed to get it off his chest. And it was for gon to gon...

"Yea.." gon says with his head still remaining low. Ikalgo looks at him for a few minutes sparing Killua a glance who's nodding his head and listening to what the cop has to say and then looking back at gon.

"He still loves you, you know." Ikalgo tells him. Gons snaps his head to look at ikalgo with wide eyes. Still?. Killua still has love for him after everything that's happened, and what gon did to Killua. Gon feels like if the broke up with him Killua didn't happen, then this whole things would of Never took place. He still blames himself for that to this day.

But the fact that Killua still has love for him still to this day. After all he's been through with pain mentally and physically is shocking to gon. Gon turns his head to look at killua who after a few minutes spares gon a glance flashing him a soft smile before looking back at the talking cop. Gon goes stunned before smiling as well.

"Yea I know.." he says before looking back at ikalgo. Ikalgo smiles before patting gon on the back and walking away to the rest of the group.

The cop flashes Killua a smile as Killua says a 'thank you' before the cop walks away. He deeply sighs. The weight has finally been lifted off his shoulders, which feels like forever. He doesn't have to worry about Noah controlling his whole entire life. He can live it as his own now.


With nobody...

Killua runs his fingers throw his snow while hair until he hears footsteps approaching him. He quickly turns around and it's


"Hey.." gon greets with a smile looking at killua.

Killua inhales deeply in surprise. "Hey.." he exhales looking straight up at gon. Gon nods looking down. There's an awkward silence heifer gon speaks up

"I'm so happy that Noah got caught for the fucked up shit he's done. How do you feel?" He asks

How does he feel. Relived, free, happy. "I feel..happy. Really happy. I don't have to deal with any of it anymore. I still feel disgusted and weak but mostly...happy." he replies. Gon gives a sincere smile and puts a hand on Killua shoulder in a comforting way.

"You shouldn't feel disgusted nor weak. Your one of the strongest person I know. You've dealt with it for how long as you could, until you were at your breaking point and had the courage to do something about it. There's a few people who are unfortunate and are sadly still going through stuff like this till this day as we speak. So don't ever call yourself weak. Call yourself a survivor." Gon says smiling at killua.

Killuas eyes widen suddenly as gons inspirational words. Gon doesn't feel disgust with him at all?, of mad at him?. He smiles genuinely.

"Thank you, gon.." he says slightly tearing up. Trying to prevent his tears from falling out, which is working. For now. Gon nods and takes his hand off of killuas shoulder into his pocket befits his expression falters

"And I'm sorry for the whole dare thing. I really am. I never meant for it to happen. I'm still in love with you Killua," killuas eyes widen in shock. "My feelings never changers for you, ever. So when the truth was told. It broke me to see you leave. Broke me to see my other half leave. My reason being that love is real and you showed me it. I still lov-". Gon words were interrupted.


Interrupted by something on his lips. His eyes shut as soon as something came in contact with it. He opens his eyes and looks down to see killuas lips on his, with his eye closed, having a grip on gons jacket with his putting them in contact. Gon goes wide eyed, it takes a few seconds of comprehending before he's kissing Killua back. His hands on killuas waist, holding him and keeping him steady. Killua slowly separates his lips from gons. Looking at gons lips as he does it then looking into gons eyes.

"My feelings didn't change. It never had. I love you gon.." Killua says smiling at gon, with tears occasionally running down his face.

Gon smiles. "I love you too Killua.." he says bringing his hand up to killuas cheeks and wiping killuas tears with his thumb as he caresses it. Killua leans into his touch smiling happy whole closing his eyes.

"We're gonna get there" gon blurts out. Still rubbing Killua cheek. Killua opens his eyes, raising his eyebrows confused.

"What?" He asks.

"We're gonna get there." Gon repeats.

"Get where?" He asks.

Gon smiles more before relying. "Remember when we were watching that movie and I promised you we were gonna be together in the future with a happy family?"

Killau thinks for a few moments before he raises both eyebrows surprised. "Yeah..." he replies softly and lowly.

"We're gonna get there." Gon says once more. Killuas stunned. A future with gon?. Possibly a family and everything. Waking up to the one you love everyday. Even having a bad day you see the one you love and it reminds you your life isn't bad at all, neither is your day.

"I'd like that.." Killua replies putting his arms around gons neck smiling. Gons smiles before putting his arms around Killua waist.

"Perfect. It's settled then. I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with the person that makes me the most happiest in the world." Gon says close to killuas face, Noses coming in contact with eachother. Killua smiles at gons comment before pulling him by his neck and kissing him passionately. Gon kisses back just the same until they separate, gazing smiles at eachother.

"I love you Killua..."

"I love you too, gon.."


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