The upcoming truth

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8 in the morning, and before school starts. Killua would be lying if he said he was ready to deal with the same people everyday, not even people just school in general. He slowly opens his eyes adjust to the light beaming in his face, nice way to remind somebody they have to the same thing again, but there's people who make his days not all so bad.

The beaming light shining so bright makes him snuggle more into whatever he was snuggling in. He backs says slightly to see he's snuggled into gons chest, 'how embarrassing' he thinks as his cheeks flushes red. He calms done before he feels eyes on him, of course gon would be checking him out already, even this early.

He looks up to see gon staring down at him, but he's has eye bags under his eyes and he looks tired....really tired. 'He probably stayed up all night, but why?' Killua thought as he looked at his eye bags and his expression back and fourth. He slowly moved up to gons level laying against a pillow and looking at him before speaking up.

"Gon?..." Killua says worried.

Gon jumped a little like he was awoken from his deep thoughts. He looked at killua for a few seconds before replying. "Yeah?"

"Are...are you okay?" He looked and asked worriedly.

Gon looked around with his eyes looking like he's in his thoughts again before looking back at killua. "I'm fine" he answered fake smiling.

Killua knows gon is lying, he can tell. But he wants gon go he honest with him... "your not fine, do you wanna talk about it?" Killua asks intertwining there fingers.

Gon looks into killuas eyes deeply, "I promise Killua, I'm fine" he says rubbing his thumb on the back of killuas hand.

Killua looks down, 'it's probably personal' he thinks, but he still wants gon to tell him he's not fine, and killua will do everything he can to make sure he is, even if he doesn't know what wrong with him. But if gons not ready to talk about it then Killua won't push it any further.

"Okay" he says separating there fingers and grabbing his phone to look at the time, they had less than 20 minutes to get to school. He raises both his eyebrows surprised. 'Feelings can sure by pass time' he thinks as he sets his phone down and turns back to gon.

"Well come on, hell is awating us" Killua says sighing deeply and sitting up. He feels arms wrap around his waist, he turns around to see gon sitting up behind him, his legs on each side next to Killua. "G-Gon?" Killua says surprised from the sudden contact.

Gon buries his head between killuas neck and shoulders. "Can we skip school today?" He says slightly muffled from covering his mouth with killuas skin.

"Gon....we can't, you know how how strict my teachers are missing a day of school and at least not making up for it by doing the work, and what about the soccer team? They need me, and you definitely need to go to school, and the football team, They need you to" Killua says putting his hands on top gons that are wrapped around his waist.

Gon huffs and hugs Killua tigger burying his face even more to the back of killuas neck. "Gon..." Killua says rubbing the back of gons hands with his hands.

"I love you" gon says laying his chin on killuas shoulder.

Killua turns his head so he's facing gon that leaning on his shoulder, "I love you to.." he says slightly smiling softly and kissing gon on the cheek. Gon sighs and unwraps his arms from killuas waist before getting up fully from the bed grabbing his clothes for school and heading to the bathroom.

Killuas worried, very worried, and...concerned. But then again, who's the only one that comes here for situations like this?, his overthinking, of course. 'Is he moving away?'  'Did he have a fight with his family?'  'Is he going to jail?!'. Overthinking really doesn't help in situations at all. He sighs before getting up and getting himself ready for school.


Gon and Killua arrive to school from gon driving them. Killua looks out the window seeing people from his class, sport team, popular people, and...others. Oh how Killua loves the feeling of miserable going to school. He sighs and leans back in his seat. He turns to gon to see his chin leaning on his hand in a balled fist looking out his own window which is facing away from the school. 'day dreaming again?' Killua thinks as eyes gon.

He looks down to see gon other hand on his own lap unoccupied. He smiles before grabbing his hand and kissing it. Gon turns to Killua like he was interrupted from his thoughts, he smiles at killua before bringing there intertwined fingers and kissing killuas hand. Gon looks beside Killua at his window before sighing deeply and turning his attention back to Killua.

"Well, we better get going" he says lowly but enough for Killua to hear. Killua nods and separates there hands and gets out the door, gon follows. They walk to where there standing infront of the school doors, gon stops and looks at the ground, Killua noticed caused he stopped to and turned to gon. He sighed before walking towards gon and laying his head on gon collarbone.

"We'll be late for class" Killua said softly.

"I know..." gon replied in the same tone. Killua nods before leaning away from gon and thinking before speaking. "Okay how about this, i come visit you after football practice" he says looking at gon smiling.

Gon jumps in place frightened before looking at killua with slightly horrified eyes. "W-What?" He says.

Killua gives a confused face, "yeaa... i mean I guess I wanna meet those amateurs" he says laughing a little.


"Killua!" A voice calls from behind Killua. He turns around to see its ikalgo.

"Oh hey ikal"

"We're gonna be late to mrs biskys class!!" Ikalgo scared.

"Mrs bisky?! , shit!" Killau turns around to gon heifer saying, " I gotta go but I'll see you at practice" he says giving a quick gon a peck in the lips.

"Wai-" gon tried to call out, but it was already to late, he was being dragged away to class from ikalgo. 'Dammit', gon thinks befits stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets and walking to his own class.


Yea last wholesome chapter for now, because everything after this is gonna be nothing but angst since I love angst, but I hope you had or having an amazing day <3!

An Act Of Love (GonKillu)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz