Drunk in love

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Gon was awoken by a sudden notification late at night. He opened his eyes slowly and tiredly blinking a few times from being woken up. He feels a heavy weight on him, he looks down to see Killua on top of him, snuggling against gons chests sound asleep.

Gon smiles to himself  'welp, the site wasn't 100% bullshit'  he thinks. He brings his attention to his phone, the cause of him waking up, which is beside him on a table. He slowly brings his arm up and attempts to reach for his phone without waking Killua. He reaches closer for it as he feels killua shift in his sleep. Gon freezes not moving a single muscle, barely even breathing to loud. Killua wraps his arms around gons waist and turns his head the opposite way still keeping his eyes close.

Gon waits a few moments before moving, he hears killuas soft snores. Gon releases a sigh of relief and continues to grab for his phone. He finally gets it without waking Killua and turns on his phone, the light beaming in his face stinging his eyes. He squints his eyes lowering the brightness of it. He adjusts to the light for a few seconds before looking at a message notification from and unknown number.

He looks at his phone confusingly. 'message...and what time is it even?' He thinks. He looks at his phone on the top corner of the screen that reads 6:30am. Gon rolls his eyes. Who the hell has awaken him this early?. He opens the message which reads.

He gon, it's retz, I hope I'm not waking you up from your beauty sleep, but I was wondering if tomorrow you want to study together?, since we have the same math class.

Past gon would definitely accept this without any hesitation. But the week is over in 2 days, which means it's coming close to the end of the dare, which also means he has to spend as much time with Killua as possible to prove he's capable of a relationship to him, but not only him, his friends to. In conclusion, gon has to deny. 'Fuck'

I'm sorry retz, but I'm really busy all week so I can't, but maybe next week if that's okay with you?

Oh yeah, that totally fine! , I was just wondering.

Any day in particular you want to start studying together?

It's up to you, Any day is fine
with me

Then I wanna get start off with
a hottie like you asap, so monday

Bold of you retz, but yea that fine

Yea I'm a real bold

Gon laughs. Safe to say he spent a while talking back and forth to retz. His laughs and chuckles somehow didn't wake up Killua. Yea he's a deep sleeper. He had to get up anyways beforehand because of the facts that he has to drive to his house to change clothes for school. But that didn't happen he fell asleep right after he set his phone down, done texting retz.

He wakes up the sunlight hitting in the morning. He feels a weight not on him like it was last night. He slowly opens his eyes to see Killua not laying on top of him. He looks around confused eyes still not adjusting to the light.

"Morning, dork" he hears a familiar voice say from the kitchen. He turns around to see Killua cooking breakfast on the stove. Gon chuckles before getting up stretching in the process and making his way to the kitchen behind Killua wrapping his arms around his waist and laying his head on his shoulder.

"Morning drama queen ~" gon replies back teasingly.

Killua rolls his eyes and snorts. Gon brings his attention to what Killua cooking on the stove. He sees bacon and eggs with a side of toast. Gon smiles to himself.

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